Headshot photo of Victoria Shuster

Victoria Shuster

  • Current Student, 2021 Cohort, Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences Students, School of Medicine


Research Interests: Victoria is interested in dendritic cell (DC) compartmentalization, endosomal sorting, and functional presentation of antigens from various sources. Specifically, she is looking at how dual antigen uptake from different sources affects the DC’s “safe” and “danger” determination and segregation of these antigens. Using fluorescent in vivo model systems, one can recapitulate the complex environments that DCs survey, including tumor microenvironments and encounters with the microbiome. Her hope is that understanding mechanisms of selective DC antigen processing can optimize approaches for therapeutic strategies targeting antigen presentation reprogramming in both autoimmune and tumor microenvironments.

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • B.S., 2016, Portland State University



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