Young Hwan Chang, Ph.D. (he/him)
- Associate Professor of Computational Biology Program, School of Medicine
- Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine
- Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program, School of Medicine
- OHSU Center for Spatial Systems Biomedicine, School of Medicine
- OHSU Knight Cancer Institute, School of Medicine
Our ongoing research focuses on establishing a comprehensive framework for quantifying multi-scale imaging. We place particular emphasis on creating an innovative image analysis tool designed to elucidate the spatial distribution of cancer cells and their interactions. To achieve this, we will employ cutting-edge machine learning and deep learning techniques, adapting them for thorough exploratory data analysis through rigorous data integration.
In our laboratory, we foster an environment where student researchers and staff are empowered to take ownership of their work, actively contributing to the generation of multiple conference presentations and journal articles annually. Our lab ethos values passionate and self-motivated team players.
Beyond the confines of the lab, I take pleasure in exploring the trails of Portland with my dog and little one.
Education and training
- B.S., 2002, Aerospace Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- M.S., 2004, Aerospace Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Ph.D., 2013, Mechanical Engineering (Control, Systems Theory), UC Berkeley
Memberships and associations:
- Editorial board for Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (2019-present)
Areas of interest
- Quantitative image analysis, Data-driven system identification, Control theory, Machine learning
Additional information
Honors and awards
- CRUK-OHSU Spark Award (2018)
HeliyonCirculating Neoplastic-Immune Hybrid Cells Are Biomarkers of Occult Metastasis and Treatment Response in Pancreatic Cancer
CancersExploratory Analyses of Circulating Neoplastic-Immune Hybrid Cells as Prognostic Biomarkers in Advanced Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
International journal of molecular sciencesMIM-CyCIF
Communications BiologyMultiplex imaging of localized prostate tumors reveals altered spatial organization of AR-positive cells in the microenvironment
iScienceQuantitative image analysis pipeline for detecting circulating hybrid cells in immunofluorescence images with human-level accuracy
Cytometry Part AQuantitative multiplex immunohistochemistry reveals inter-patient lymphovascular and immune heterogeneity in primary cutaneous melanoma
Frontiers in immunologySuppression of dystroglycan function accompanies pancreatic acinar-to-ductal metaplasia and favours dysplasia development
Journal of PathologyUltra high content analyses of circulating and tumor associated hybrid cells reveal phenotypic heterogeneity
Scientific Reports3D multiplexed tissue imaging reconstruction and optimized region of interest (ROI) selection through deep learning model of channels embedding
Frontiers in BioinformaticsDual-modality imaging of immunofluorescence and imaging mass cytometry for whole-slide imaging and accurate segmentation
Cell Reports MethodsMorphodynamical cell state description via live-cell imaging trajectory embedding
Communications BiologyMYC Deregulation and PTEN Loss Model Tumor and Stromal Heterogeneity of Aggressive Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Nature communicationsT cell egress via lymphatic vessels is tuned by antigen encounter and limits tumor control
Nature ImmunologyA multi-encoder variational autoencoder controls multiple transformational features in single-cell image analysis
Communications BiologyAn omic and multidimensional spatial atlas from serial biopsies of an evolving metastatic breast cancer
Cell Reports MedicineA PDE Model of Breast Tumor Progression in MMTV-PyMT Mice
Journal of Personalized MedicineCirculating Neoplastic-Immune Hybrid Cells Predict Metastatic Progression in Uveal Melanoma
CancersComputational multiplex panel reduction to maximize information retention in breast cancer tissue microarrays
PLoS computational biologyDeciphering the Immune Complexity in Esophageal Adenocarcinoma and Pre-Cancerous Lesions With Sequential Multiplex Immunohistochemistry and Sparse Subspace Clustering Approach
Frontiers in immunologyExploring approaches for predictive cancer patient digital twins
Frontiers in Digital HealthInvestigating key cell types and molecules dynamics in PyMT mice model of breast cancer through a mathematical model
PLoS computational biologyA mathematical model of breast tumor progression based on immune infiltration
Journal of Personalized MedicineGenomic alterations during the in situ to invasive ductal breast carcinoma transition shaped by the immune system
Molecular Cancer Research