Services and Costs


Complete this downloadable registration form and email  it to the core or bring it with you:

BSR/PK Core Registration form


The rates listed below are for OHSU clients. All prices are subject to change without notice. If you have any questions concerning the rates or categories below or if you are an external client please e-mail ( or call us at 503.494.7803. An additional one-time set-up fee (minimum of 15 minutes) is charged for each use and BSR/PKCore consumables will be charged (ASTD $1/UNIT) when used.


5500 QTRAP LC-MS Rate
User training $126/hour
User operated fee $60/hour

User training $126/hour
User operated fee $60/hour

4000 Q-TRAP Rate
User training $126/hour
User operated fee $60/hour

User training $126/hour
User operated fee $60/hour

Individual Sample(s) & Assay Development Rate
HPLC samples for core assays-run by facility personnel Variable*
MS flow injection analysis-run by facility personnel $50/sample
MS samples for core assays Variable*
Sample preparation/data analysis by facility personnel $66/hour
Assay set up fee/cleaning fee $66/hour
Assay development/consultation $126/hour

*Please contact the core director for the cost of specific analysis needed.

Description of services

User operated training: For each of the Core instruments, training sessions are available that will enable the individual to run their own sample analysis. This training is required before an investigator is allowed to analyze their own samples. Training includes general operation of the instrument, the creation of method pages and an introduction to the data analysis. Workstations are available for investigators to analyze the results and generate individualized reporting formats.

User operated fee: Those investigators that have successfully completed training on an instrument can request time via phone or e-mail. The investigator must supply their own column and approved solvents and sample vials. If desired, the investigator can use approved solvents and other supplies that are available in the Core. The charges would reflect instrument time and the consumables.

HPLC samples for core assays:The fee for this analysis will depend on the compounds being analyzed and the instrument run time. The fee will include consumables as well as instrument time for the analysis that uses a protocol established in the Core. The fee includes data analysis and report generation. An assay set-up fee will also be charged to prepare the instrument for analysis.

MS samples for core assays:As with the HPLC samples for Core Assays, the fee for this analysis will depend on the compounds being analyzed, the instrument, and the run time. The fee will include consumables as well as instrument time for the analysis that uses a protocol established in the Core. The fee includes data analysis and report generation. An assay set-up fee will also be charged to prepare the instrument for analysis.

MS flow injection analysis:Analysis is provided by Core staff for nominal molecular weight determination. Samples are analyzed as soon as possible and include data analysis and report generation. Inquire about accurate mass analysis (mass accuracy < 5 ppm)

Sample preparation/data analysis by core personnel:This service involves the preparation of samples for analysis (i.e. solid phase extraction; liquid/liquid extraction; reconstitution and filtration; loading sample vials). In addition, Core personnel can analyze the data and prepare reports as required. The cost of consumables will also be charged.

Assay set-up fee:The cost of preparing the instruments for analysis will be charged prior to each use. This includes changing HPLC or GC columns, source changes. This includes special cleaning if required after analysis as a result of poor sample preparation. A minimum charge of 15 minutes will be charged for each use.

Assay development:The BSR/PKCore staff can assist in the development of analytical methods for compounds of interest. This includes literature searches for available methods and the determination of the adaptability of published methods to Core instrumentation. This also includes initial instrument set-up, detection optimization and validation of the assay. Sample preparation for the generation of standards will be charged as described above.