OHSU Data for Grants/Contracts
PHS Entity ID#: 1931176109A1
DUNS#: 09-699-7515
OHSU - 170(c)1 Tax ID#:931176109
OHSU Foundation - 501(c)3 TaxID#:237083114
IRS Employer ID: 931176109
eVerify Company ID:260286
Congressional District:
Main Campus OR-001
West Campus (VGTI, Primate Center) OR-001
Human Subjects Protections:
DHHS Assurance #: FWA00000161
Assurance Dates: Expires 05/16/2028
Animal Use:
OLAW Assurance: D16-00195 (A3304-01)
Approved through 05/31/2028
USDA registration: 92-R-0001
AAALAC, International (full accreditation)
Marquam Hill and South Waterfront Campuses site number 014
West Campus site number 0261
NAIC (North American Industrial Code): 611310
CAGE(Commercial and Governmental Entity Code): 0YUJ3
Industry Sponsored Clinical Trials Rate: 28%
Industry Sponsored Research Rate: 57%
Other Industry Sponsored Activity (Public Service) Rate: 35%
OHSU Federally Negotiated F&A Rate Agreement
OHSU Research Patient Care Rate Agreement
OHSU FY24 Single Audit Subrecipient Compliance
OHSU FY23 Single Audit Subrecipient Compliance
OHSU FY22 Single Audit Subrecipient Compliance
Civil rights: Filed
Handicapped: Filed
Sex Discrimination: Filed
Drug/smoke free: Yes
Delinquent federal debt: No
Debarment & suspension: No
Lobbying: None
Scientific misconduct: Filed