iLab Solutions
USR Cores use iLab Solutions software for scheduling and billing
All USR cores use iLab Solutions Software for scheduling and billing except the Biostatistics and Design Program, the Biolibrary and Virology. We believe iLab helps to better meet scientific needs and reduces costs in the long run. In the meantime, we realize that iLab Solutions may initially seem a bit complex.
These pages under iLab Solutions on the left side navigation are here to assist you. Please take a moment to learn about logging in for the first time, iLab user and lab organization, requirements for scheduling core services, and how PIs and Lab Managers can manage their lab members and grants. For additional support or if you have suggestions on how we can improve the user training experience, contact us at
Login to iLab:
Account activation and overview
Internal OHSU iLab Users:
- Every internal OHSU user has an iLab account which activates upon first login.
- iLab organizes user accounts into a lab. Labs are named by the PI's last name.
- iLab automatically creates a lab for every OHSU PI that has at least one grant.
- The first time a non-PI user logs in, the system will ask you to identify your PI.The PI or Lab Manager then receives an email asking to approve the request.
- The PI or Lab Manager must approve members into the lab and authorize at least 1 funding source before lab members can start scheduling services.
- A PI can designate one or more lab members as a Lab Manager to manage lab members and authorize grants.
External iLab Users:
- External accounts are managed by iLab Solutions support staff. That includes creating user accounts, organizing members into labs, and any additional account maintenance.
- For first-time login, please follow the External User instructions on the Getting Started page.
- External user accounts are typically created within 24 hours of request submission.
Proceed to the Getting Started page for login instructions.
iLab billing schedule
The 23rd day of each month: iLab order entry deadline at midnight.
3rd working day of each month: iLab upload to the General Ledger by 10am.