DMD Program Outcomes Assessment

SOD Clinic Faculty

Why Assessment

An outcomes assessment plan answers the question “are we doing what we say we are doing?” The process involves collecting information, analyzing that information and then comparing and contrasting the information with our previously established goals and objectives. The results are then used to assess our level of achievement and plan improvements or changes. In corporate circles outcomes assessment is called quality assessment and based in the same concept - a structured, continuous look at what an organization is doing, how well they are doing it and ways they intend to promote improvements in quality.

Outcomes assessment occurs at various levels within the university and its programs, driven by University policy, regional and specialized accreditation requirements. The Commission on Dental Accreditation in its Accreditation Standards for Dental Education Programs mandates an institutional effectiveness plan for all of the 15 dental related educational programs under its purview. Thus the predoctoral dental programs, as well as all the specialty programs, must assess their stated program goals. 

The outcomes assessment process is ongoing and organized into committees that are assigned one goal to manage. Thus we have nine committees to manage our goals. Faculty and administrators participate in the process and a report is presented annually to all faculty (full time and part time) who in turn can provide comments and suggestions. This continuous process allows all faculty to be a part of the issues, problems, and solutions surrounding the education of dentists, and dental specialists for Oregon and the other areas of the country that we serve. 

Item Personnel/ Timeline Rational
Mission and Goals
OA Management Plan
Oversight of Process
OA Committee
Operational Plan
Goal Committee Reports
Goal Committee Reports