Endodontics Awards

Student awards
Through the generous support of our alumni and the American Association of Endodontists, the Endodontology Department offers two awards to recognize outstanding skills, knowledge and clinical judgment of OHSU students. The Sorum-Xia Award provides monetary recognition and the American Association of Endodontists is an honorary award.
Sorum-Xia Award In Endodontics
The Sorum-Xia Award in endodontics is awarded to a senior dental student who shows exceptional interest and ability in endodontics. Larry Sorum was a 1978 graduate of OHSU. He was an endodontist in the Air Force when he died of cancer at an early age. The Sorum-Xia award includes a certificate, a check and the inscription of the winner's name on a plaque that is displayed in the dental school. The accolade is awarded to fourth-year dental students who participate in case presentations. The competition is open to all fourth-year students. The honor is supported by Dr. Tian Xia, an alumnus of the OHSU Endodontic Graduate Program.
2019 Haley Von Volkenberg
2018 Ty Mortenson
2017 Samyia Chaudhry
2016 Keith Agraves
2015 Seth Monson
2014 Carly Peterschmidt
2013 Andrew Broadsword and Jarid Burley
2012 Lee DeKrey
2011 Annie McLean
2010 Calie Roa
2009 Alan Chen
2008 Kristine Berg
2007 Steve Hansen
2006 Aaron Tinkle
2005 Ryan Donnelly
2004 Salwan Adjaj
2003 Melody Maani-Zamora
2002 Marcus Stones
2001 Scott Carter
2000 John Swain
1999 Mary Beth Bowman
1998 Marty Burbano
1997 Derrick Dickerson
1996 Brett Norda
1995 Kevin Schow
1994 Ronald Packham
1993 Dan Rasmussen
1992 Len Gerken
1991 Maren Weliky
1990 Michael Mauger
1989 Eric Dahle
1988 Doug Luiten
American Association of Endodontists (AAE) Award
Since 1963, each year the AAE Award is presented to a fourth-year dental student based on 1) The summation of all grades achieved in endodontics, 2)The total number of endodontic points earned in the clinic, 3) The evaluation of the candidate's clinical knowledge of endodontics as demonstrated in a case presentation competition to the endodontic faculty. The award consists of a certificate from the AAE and a subscription to the Journal of Endodontics. The competition is open to all fourth-year students.
2019 Skylar Penberthy
2018 Charles Carriere
2017 Bryce Holmes
2016 Keith Herkert
2015 Jordan Peterschmidt
2014 Quinn Martin
2013 Tyler Schaffeld
2012 Jed Taucher
2011 Jeremy Messer
2010 Laura Rickert
2009 Cheryl O'Malley
2008 Rian Stewart
2007 Greg Van Gordon
2006 Spencer Luke
2005 Stephanie White
2004 Salwan Adjaj
2003 Amelia Justin
2002 Benjamin Nielsen
2001 Lameul Lucescu
2000 Brian Wilson
1999 Christina Vy
1998 Aaron Welk
1997 Brad Chvatal
1996 Lou Burhley
1995 Kevin Schow
1994 Ron Packham
1993 Dan Rasmussen
1992 Steven Langford
1991 Karen Weliky
1990 Michael Mauger
1989 Eric Dahle
1988 Doug Luiten
1987 Brian Strand
1986 Steven Scheffel
1985 Robert Pressprich
1984 David Stanczyk
1983 Bryan Guthrie
1982 Alejandro Carrion
1981 Larry Frugoli
1980 Ron Frost
1979 Gordon Marshall/John Roth
1978 Samuel Costillo
1977 Dennis Johnson
1976 Thomas Barrett/Kent Howard
1975 Jeffrey Leinassar
1974 Henry Boni
1973 Clayton Stearns
1970 William Beeler
1968 Gary Beeler
1967 Henry L. Harbert
Support the Endodontology Department
L. A. Morgan Endowment

On behalf of all the staff and residents of the Department of Endodontology, we want to thank you for your support of the Leslie A. Morgan Endodontic Endowment Fund. With your contributions, we are well on the way to providing an ongoing endowment to support the Advanced Education Program in endodontics (Endodontic Residency Program) at OHSU. Every year 5% of the fund is available for dispersal.
The proceeds from the endowment are vital to providing expenses for the residents to attend endodontic meetings (AAE annual session and board review courses), funding for resident research projects, honorariums and expenses for consultants/speakers, special materials and equipment.
The L. A. Morgan Endowment fund was named for Les Morgan. Les was a 1979 graduate of OHSU School of Dentistry. During the summers following his sophomore and junior years of dental school, he performed research for the Dept. of Endodontology. Following Dental School he spent three years in the army including a GPR at Fort Riley in Kansas. After the army Les entered the postdoctoral endodontic program at UT San Antonio. After receiving his certificate in 1984 Les returned to Portland in 1984 where he combined a love of academics and clinical practice for fourteen years until his death in 1998. Here at OHSU Les had his finger in all the Endo pies. He lectured to the undergrads and spent time in the clinic with them. His first love though was the grad program. Les mentored graduate student research, lectured and covered the clinic. He also did fund research and published many papers. He is missed by all who knew him.
We thank the L. A. Morgan Endowment donors for their generous support. If you would like to make a contribution to the Les Morgan Memorial Fund please email sedgley@ohsu.edu.
Kinley K. Adams, D.M.D.
Altsul Dental Corporation
Anchorage Dental Society
Morgan L. Andersen, M.D.
Paul Anderson
Mrs. Marcy L. Anhaltzer
Gordon T. Ballantyne, D.M.D.
Dale R. Barker, D.D.S.
Ms. L. Joyce Barker
John Craig Baumgartner, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Ms Joan D. Beeler
William J. Beeler, D.M.D.
Kristen L. Beling, D.D.S.
Gerald Melvin Binder, D.M.D.
Black Hills Dental
Gregory W. Boice, D.M.D.
Matthew E. Bourg, D.M.D.
J Chris Bowman, D.M.D.
George A. Brant, D.M.D.
Paul D. Brent, D.D.S.
David W. Bull, D.M.D.
Kevin R. Christiansen, D.D.S.
Charles Clarke D.M.D.
James N. Classen
Fort Vancouver Dental Care
Columbia Endodontic Group, PS
Kevin P. Conroy, D.M.D.
Ms. Carol Cryder
Mark D. Danielson, D.D.S.
Richard D. Davis, D.D.S.
Dale F. DeWan, D.M.D
Daniel R. Dorsey, D.M.D.
William J. Dougherty, Jr., D.M.D.
Martha L. Stewart
Ms. Virginia Lee (Ginny) Dunn
Larry J. Durand, D.M.D.
Michael C. DuVal, D.M.D.
Endodontic Specialty Group
Daniel J. Erickson, D.D.S.
Thomas A. Erickson, D.M.D.
Mrs. Roxanne Fatherree
Figel Real Estate Partners LLC
Howard H. Fogel, D.M.D.
John G. Fraser, D.M.D.
Kurt D. Fuerstenau, D.M.D.
D. Kim Fuhrman
Ben Wayne Gardner, D.M.D.
Glen S. Gerdes, D.M.D.
Jill M. Gertenrich
Lawrence K. Gervais, D.M.D.
Gillespie & Gillespie
William J. Girsch, Jr.,D.D.S.
Brian Gorman, B.D.S.
Neil A. Gray, D.M.D.
Ms. Kathrine Nash
Grinnell Toini Gunther
C. Steven Hagler, D.M.D.
Alfred P. Hainish, D.M.D.
Brad Halleck
Rockwell Hammond
Rockwell Hammond, Jr., D.M.D.
Staci L. Hanson
Clinton R. Harrell
David Sidney Hatch, D.M.D.
Robert L. Hill, D.M.D.
Ross H. Hoevert, D.M.D.
James P. Hogg Family Dentistry
Douglas B. Hughes, D.M.D.
Yvonne Huson
Terry L. Isom, D.M.D.
H. L. Jacobson, D.D.S.
Wilber L. Jensen
Rupinder K. Johl, D.M.D.
E. Clarice Johnston, D.M.D.
Jackie S. Jones, R.D.H., D.M.D.
Donald D. Kim
Dr. Steven Kirkpatrick
David A. Kosa, D.M.D.
Vernon Kim Kutsch, D.M.D.
Carol A. Layton, D.D.S.
Barbara A. Lewis
Alan Liesinger, D.M.D.
Dennis G. Longwill, D.D.S.
Peter Lubisich, D.D.S.
Douglas J. Luiten, D.M.D.
Paul M. Madden, D.M.D.
Cathryn Majeran, D.M.D.
Dr. & Mrs. F. James Marshall
J. Gordon Marshall, D.M.D.
W.C. Mathisen, D.M.D.
David R. Matthews, D.M.D.
Gerald P. McAndrews, D.D.S.
Ms. Dorothy McCabe
Thomas V. McClammy, D.M.D.
Dr. Sandra A. McCoy
J. W. McFarland, D.D.S.
Ed McGreevey, D.M.D.
Patricia D. McMichael, D.M.D.
David S. Mehlhaff, D.M.D.
Charles D. Miller, D.M.D.
Gary G Miller, D.M.D.
Gregory N. Miller, D.M.D.
James A. Miller, D.M.D.
Mark A. Miller, D.M.D.
Richard E. Mounce, D.D.S.
Multnomah County Oregon
Ms. Barbara Moore
Brentwood-Darlington Comm Hlth
Boyd F. Munson, Jr., D.M.D.
Steven M. Murata, D.M.D.
Celia Murray
K. A. Murray, D.D.S.
Patrick M. Nearing, D.M.D.
Joseph W. Nolan, D.M.D.
David L. Nutter, D.D.S.
NW Oral & Maxillofacial Surg.
OHSU Dental School Faculty
Raymond S. Onchi, D.M.D.
Paul E. Ortiz, D.M.D.
Ardon L. Overby, D.M.D.
Wanda E. Palena, D.M.D.
Mark Louis Palmer, D.M.D.
Douglas L. Park
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Park
Ms. Linda S. Park
Carl W. Perkins, D.M.D.
Permanente Dental Associates
Najia Quereshy, D.D.S.
Daniel A Radatti, D.D.S.
Russell Read, D.D.S.
Gregory J. Reams, D.M.D.
Sharon A. Reams
Merle E. Reasor, D.M.D.
James O. Roahen, D.D.S.
Sidney C. Roberts, D.D.S.
Reed F. Robinson, D.M.D.
Gary E. Romain, D.M.D.
Thomas G. Rosenbarger, D.D.S.
Mr. & Mrs. Mort Rosenblum
Michael A. Rue, D.M.D.
George E. Schaffer
Michael Scheel, D.D.S.
Steven J. Scheffel, D.M.D.
Alvin R. Schulz
Michael W. Sheets, D.M.D.
Steven K. Shelton, D.M.D.
Richard C. Sheron, D.M.D.
Jeffery A. Short, D.M.D.
Morley J. Smith, D.M.D.
David O. Snyder
Roger L. Stuart, D.D.S.
Ms. Cheryl J. McDowell
John J. Snyder, D.M.D.
Kenneth E. Steidley, D.M.D.
William E. Stone
David Ross TenHulzen, D.M.D.
Liley R. Thompson, D.M.D.
James S. Tinkle, D.M.D.
Donald D. Toombs, D.M.D.
Wayne Truscinski, D.D.S.
Joesph E. Tyler, D.M.D.
United Way of Columbia-Willamette
Larry R. Van Gordon, D.M.D.
Vancouver Oral Surgery Group
Francine J. Vickers, D.D.S.
Ms. Nancy E. Vink
James J. Vogel, D.M.D.
Michael E. Vollmar, D.M.D.
William D. Walkins, D.M.D.
Richard E. Walton, D.M.D., M.S.D.
David J. Washburn, D.M.D.
Thomas E. Wold (in honor of Thomas V. McClammy)
Randy D. Wooton, D.M.D.
Jay Martin Wylam, D.M.D.
Russell S. Yamada, D.M.D.
Jon D. Yatsushiro, D.D.S.
Steven Ray Zollman, D.M.D.
Najia Usman D.D.S.
Aaron Welk D.M.D.
Tian Xia D.M.D.
Joeseph R Zimmer
Carl L Gorretta D.M.D.
Gerald M Binder
Thomas J Erskine D.D.S.
East Main Dental Center Lab
Lynetta J Odell D.M.D.
Larry R Van Gordon D.M.D.
Sharon Turner D.D.S. J.D.
Cynthia Tatsuda D.D.S.
Todd Nakata D.D.S.
Dr. Joseph Opray
Mr. M.W. Ostrum
Dr. Judith C. Ris
Ms. Alicia A. Soares
Dr. Roger K. Warren
Endodontology Department
OHSU School of Dentistry
Department of Endodontology
2730 S.W. Moody Avenue
Portland, OR 97201-5042