Diagnostic Radiology for Medical Students
Welcome to the Diagnostic Radiology site for medical students! Whether you are interested in enrolling in a radiology course, pursuing a radiology residency or career, or curious about the world of radiology, we are here to support you.
Electives Offered for OHSU MD Students
In this 4-week elective, students will rotate through four radiology specialty reading rooms: Cardiothoracic, Musculoskeletal, Body, and Neuroradiology. At OHSU, students learn in a variety of settings, not just sitting in the reading room shadowing the radiologist. Learning environments include:
- Didactic instruction on imaging concepts and introductory study interpretation (up to 10 hours per week)
- Interdisciplinary conferences with clinical teams, pathologists, and radiologists.
- Active learning at the student resource computer. The student engages with a set of simulation radiology cases to identify and interpret cases with an answer key available
- Reading room observation
- Procedure observation
- Technologist shadowing (XR, CT, US, MRI)
- Free form independent study.
There are optional elective days for women’s imaging, pediatrics, and nuclear medicine, depending on the rotation. The students will get a chance to meet the radiology residents and attendings and understand what a career in radiology entails and how radiology plays a role in all types of patient care.
Students will have the opportunity to learn about either basic or clinical science research through a faculty-supervised project. Research can be in any area of Diagnostic Radiology. Projects are planned, reviewed and approved prior to the beginning of the elective.
This course is tailored for students with substantial radiology experience, requiring proficiency in a range of imaging protocols, including CT and advanced MRI sequences. A foundational knowledge of basic to intermediate imaging anatomy is essential. Prior completion of RADD 709A or equivalent experience is highly recommended. Applicants must have already identified a faculty mentor and developed an Individualized Learning Plan for their specialized project or study focus. Please be aware, this elective is not a shadowing program, but an intensive opportunity for dedicated professional development in radiology. The Special Elective Request form must be signed off by the faculty member, department Clerkship Director and the Curriculum & Student Affairs office prior to starting.
The goal of this 8-week elective is to provide students a first-hand experience in the practice of clinical Neuroradiology. Students will be integrated into the Neuroradiology service and function in a capacity nearly identical to the junior Diagnostic Radiology residents. During the workday, the student will independently review actual new clinical neuroimaging studies (CT and MRI scans), draft reports detailing pertinent findings and diagnostic impression, and review their reports one-on-one with Neuroradiology faculty - a process identical to how the residents and fellows practice. Additionally, students will attend about 2 hours of teaching conferences daily. This elective is intended for students who are planning to pursue training in a Diagnostic Radiology residency program and who have already taken the RADD 709A General Diagnostic Radiology elective.
For questions about our courses, please reach out to Diagnostic Radiology course coordinator Audrey Walsh.
Visiting Medical Students
Fourth-year medical students interested in a visiting rotation with the Department of Diagnostic Radiology can apply through AAMC’s Visiting Student Learning Opportunities.
Our RADD 709A general radiology elective is the rotation we have open to visiting medical student applications. This elective is open during summer and early fall terms; exact rotation dates will be available on the Visiting Student Learning Opportunities website.
For information on the process and requirements, please refer to the OHSU Visiting Students webpage.
Diagnostic Radiology Interest Group (DRIG)
The Diagnostic Radiology Interest Group is dedicated to meeting the interests and needs of those curious about the field of radiology and providing a sense of community and support for students, residents, and radiology faculty.
Co-presidents: Farid Jabbari, Rand Kaller
Vice President: Julia Liu
Communications Officer: Dillon Claybaugh
Treasurer: Cooper Stateler
Board Members: Minh Nguyen, Zachary Yellowman, Alden Davis
Faculty Lead: Dr. Katie Cavallo Hom