MR Novartis CCNP520A2202J (5175) (Subject) Research Protocol
Last updated: 4/12/19
Charge as: Brain WO, No Read
Scanner preference: MR4 only
Coil: Head coil
Sequence | Change Parameters? | Change # slices? | Coverage/ Angulation | Notes |
SAG 3D T1 TFE | NO | NO | Be sure to cover the brain both LR and AP. | Be sure to cover the brain both LR and AP. Leave about 15 mm from top of the head to the top of the FOV. SEE IMAGE BELOW |
Axial FLAIR | NO | NO | Angle parallel to AC-PC line | Acquisition stack must fully cover subject's brain, starting at the vertex down to the cerebellum. SEE IMAGE BELOW |
Axial T2* GRE | NO | NO | Same as Axial Flair | Same as Axial Flair |
Dual Echo PD/T2 | NO | NO | Same as Axial Flair | Same as Axial Flair |
AX DWI | NO | NO | No angle | No angle. Send source images to PACS |
AX DTI | NO | NO | No angle | No angle. Send source images to PACS |
AXIAL FIELD MAP | NO | NO | Angulate parallel to AC-PC line, then tilt 15 degrees toward TOP of head | Angulate parallel to AC-PC line, then tilt 15 degrees toward TOP of head. Send source images to PACS. SEE IMAGE BELOW |
2D AXIAL fMRI RESTING | NO | NO | Same as Axial Field Map | Same as Axial Field MapInstruct subject to KEEP EYES OPEN AND STAY AWAKE for duration of scan (10 minutes). Send source images to PACS. |
REPEAT SAG 3D T1 TFE | NO | NO | Same as prior | Same parameters as prior. |

Be sure to cover the brain both LR and AP. Leave about 15 mm from top of the head to the top of the FOV.

Acquisition stack must fully cover subject's brain, starting at the vertex down to the cerebellum

Angulate parallel to AC-PC line, then tilt 15 degrees toward TOP of head. Send source images to PACS