MR Pediatric HIE COOL Brain WO Protocol
Scan notes:
Extend SAG 3D Slice Coverage 1-2 Mm Beyond The Skin Margin, Not Necessarily To Cover The Ears. This Ensures Adequate Coverage/Signal On The AX And COR MPRs. Generate OBL COR And AXIAL MPRs From This Sequence. MPRAGE Is The Same As 3DTFE And 3D FAST SPGR.
Last updated: 11/29/23
Charge as: Brain WO, COW, MRS, & DTI
Scanner preference: 3T only. MR2 if patient has implant
Coil: Head
Plane | Weighting | Mode | Slice | Gap | FAT SAT | FOV | Notes |
SAG 3D | T1 MPRAGE | Fast SPGR | 1-1.5mm | 0mm | None | 18cm | Scalp to Scalp. |
AXIAL MPR | 1mm | 0mm | Angle to Corpus- Skull Base to Vertex | ||||
SAG MPR | 1mm | 0mm | Angle parallel to falx | ||||
COR MPR | 1mm | 0mm | Angle perpendicular to orbit roof | ||||
AXIAL | DWI 2mm Voxel | SE EPI | 3mm | 0.3mm | SPIR | 18cm | Angle to Corpus- Skull Base to Vertex |
AXIAL | T2 | TSE | 3mm | 0.5mm | None | 18cm | Angle to Corpus- Skull Base to Vertex |
AXIAL | T2* GRE | GRE | 3mm | 0.5mm | None | 18cm | Angle to Corpus- Skull Base to Vertex |
AXIAL | COW MRA | 3D TOF | 1mm | None | 18cm | C1 to Vertex | |
SPECT RT | MRS Spect | 288 msec | 10mm | None | 20cm | Single Voxel- @ internal capsules | |
SPECT LT | MRS Spect | 288 msec | 10mm | None | 20cm | Single Voxel- @ internal capsules |