MR Pediatric Whole Body WO OR WWO Protocol


Updated: 1/13/2022

Scanner Preference: 3T
Coils: NV and Torso Coils

Radiologist Notes:

  • For coronals, only send the whole body STITCHED series, not the individual acquisitions.
  • Only perform sagittal STIR for CRMO patients.
  • Only perform DWIBS for non-contrast studies.


Plane Weighting Mode Slice Gap FS FOV Notes
COR T2 TSE 4mm 1mm STIR Vertex to Toes Send stitched series only.
COR T1 mDIXON 4mm 0mm DIXON Vertex to Toes Turn ON in/out-of-phase. Send stitched series only.
COR DWIBS IR EPI SS 5mm 1mm None Vertex to Toes Only perform if study noncontrast. Skip if study orered with contrast.
SAG STIR TSE MV MS 3.5mm 1mm STIR Entire spine Only perform for CRMO patients OR if radiologist requests.
AXIAL T2 TSE 4mm 1mm SPAIR Radiologist to specify Optional (for targeted evaluation of known or suspected lesion)
Inject Contrast
COR T1 mDIXON 4mm 0mm DIXON Vertex to Toes Turn OFF in/out-of-phase. Send stitched series only. Also create AXIAL and SAGITTAL whol body stitched reformats and send to PACS.