Upcoming Defenses:
Xiyue Zhao, Biomedical Engineering
"Identifying phenotype associated cell-cell co-occurrence by integrating single cell RNA-seq data and bulk RNA-seq-data"
3/10/2025 |1:00 pm
RPV Room D
Kelsie Kan, Human Nutrition
"Impact of accessing real-time glucose concentrations via a continuous glucose monitoring device on glucose time-in-range and dietary quality among pregnant persons with gestational diabetes mellitus"
3/10/2025 |3:30 pm
Moody 129 and Virtual
Benjamin Woodruff, Cell and Developmental Biology
"Axon targeting of molecularly distinct pioneer neurons is regulated by retinoic acid signaling"
3/12/2025 | 1:00 pm
RJH 4320
Michelle Ozaki, Cancer Biology
"Stromal remodeling in the postpartum liver drives breast cancer liver metastasis"
3/14/2025 | 11:30 am
Evan Welch, Biomedical Engineering
"Challenging Mechanistic Paradigms in Copper Monooxygenase"
3/20/2025 | 2:00 pm
RPV room B 1215
Dylan Kain, Biomedical Sciences
"Targeting Donor Unrestricted T Cells for Future TB Vaccine Development"
4/4/2025 | 9:30 am
Vollum 1441
Catherine Zoe Beach, Biomedical Sciences
"Evaluating the Pharmacogenomic Impact of PDGFRA Altered Glioma"
4/11/2025 | 9:30 am
Vollum 1441
Jennifer Finan, Biomedical Sciences
"Defining the Function of Pancreatic Cancer HuR in Extracellular Vesicle Signaling within the Tumor" Microenvironment
4/18/2025 | 1:00 pm
Kate Shirley, Clinical Psychology
"Compensatory Cognitive Training Via Telehealth for Veterans with Alcohol Use Disorders: A Pilot Feasibility Trial"
4/21/2025 |10:30 am
Yang Chen, Neuroscience Graduate Program
"Excitatory and inhibitory local circuitry of the insular cortex"
5/14/2025 | 1:00 pm
Emma Kurth, Medical Physics
"Assessing the Efficacy of Deformable Image Registration for Cumulative Dose Calculations in Gynecological Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy"
5/19/2025 |10:00 am
RLSB 2S020 & 2S022
Jackson Herb, Medical Physics
"Evaluation of Metabolic Activity Diffusion Imaging in Resected Human Glioma"
5/21/2025 | 10:00 am
RLSB 1S018
Robert Morkeh, Medical Physics
"A Comparative Analysis of Skin Sparing Optimization in Head And Neck Cancer Treatment: A Retrospective Study Of Eclipse And Raystation Treatment Planning System"
5/22/2025 | 1:00 pm
RLSB 1S018
Mary Lowrey, Biomedical Engineering
"Developing 3D Bioprinting Techniques and Ultrasound-Responsive Materials for Cellular Manipulation in 3D Tumor Constructs"
5/30/2025 | 10:00 am
RPV Room B & C combined
Danica Bojovic, Neuroscience Graduate Program
"Astrocyte syncytium regulation of neuronal excitability and neurovascular coupling"
6/19/2025 | 1:00 pm
Vollum M1441
Ariana Sattler, Biomedical Sciences
"Deciphering the Role of Sympathetic Innervation and Cancer Associated Fibroblast Crosstalk in Pancreatic Cancer"
8/8/2025 | 11:00 am
KCRB Auditorium
Recent Defenses:
Assmaa El Sheikh, Biomedical Engineering
"Discovery and characterization of a novel KATP channel pharmacochaperone"
1/29/2025 | 12:00 pm
RJH 4320
Moriah Arnold, Biomedical Sciences
"Linking Parkinson's Disease and Melanoma: The role of alpha-synuclein in DNA double-strand break repair"
1/31/2025 | 11:00 am
RJH 4320
Samantha Rios, Behavioral and Systems Neuroscience
Activity of Dorsal Raphe Serotonin Neurons in Mice with Differential TAAR1 Function"
1/31/2025 | 1:00 pm
Mac 3198
Ian McLean, Biomedical Engineering
"Systems Biology approaches for identifying molecular mechanisms of epithelial cell phenotype"
2/04/2025 | 2:00 pm
RPV Room B and C
Michael Martinez, Molecular and Medical Genetics
"Facilitating HDR-Mediated Insertion of Transgenes for Treatment of Phenylketonuria"
2/7/2025 |10:00 am
RJH 4340
Maria Kathrina Onate, Cancer Biology
"Impacts of Stromal KITL/SCF in pancreatic tissue homeostasis and pancreatic adenocarcinoma"
2/18/2025 | 10:00 am
Webex only