School of Medicine Honors and Awards 2025

Call for nominations
Each year, the School of Medicine recognizes and honors some of the most exceptional students, faculty, and leaders of the Undergraduate Medical Education (M.D. Program) and the Graduate Studies Program (Ph.D., M.A.s, including the PA Program, and certificate earners). Like last year, the School of Medicine will forego a dedicated awards ceremony and instead announce the recipients and their awards at the Hooding Ceremony on June 6.
Graduate Studies is now seeking nominations of students and faculty for these high honors. Allow us to reward their extraordinary contributions and achievements within the School of Medicine.
The deadline for all Graduate Studies nominations is March 31, 2025. Please see awards below for instructions for nominating students and faculty.
Student Awards
This award is given to recognize a student within School of Medicine Bachelor, Certificate or Master’s degree programs with a clinical focus: Clinical Research, Health and Clinical Informatics, Human Investigation Program, Nutrition, Medical Physics, Physician Assistant, or Radiation Therapy. We seek nominations for students in good academic standing who have a record of high quality educational and clinical success, as well as contributions to the program or university. This award is for students graduating in the spring or summer of 2025.
Each nomination must include the following:
- Cover page with student name, program and intended graduation date
- Letter(s) of recommendation from at least 1 faculty member. Letters should evaluate student success in didactic coursework and/or in patient care.
Nomination Deadline: March 31st, 2025
Submit nominations as a single pdf file to Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Monica Hinds, Ph.D., with a subject line of “Nomination: Outstanding Student in a Clinical Program”.
This award is given to recognize a student within School of Medicine Bachelor, Certificate or Master’s degree programs. We seek nominations of students who have made a substantial contribution to their program, university, or community. This award is for students graduating in the spring or summer of 2025.
Each nomination must include the following:
- Cover page with student name, program and intended graduation date
- Letter of nomination from at least 1 faculty or staff member, OHSU student or community organization. Letters should describe and evaluate the student’s contribution to a community.
Nomination Deadline: March 31st, 2025
Submit nominations as a single pdf file to Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Monica Hinds, Ph.D., with a subject line of “Nomination: Outstanding Service to the Community”.
This award is given to recognize an outstanding journal article authored or co-authored by an OHSU School of Medicine graduate student. Please note that the article must have been published or submitted for publication (with letter of acceptance from the editor) between April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2025. Applications/nominations can be submitted on behalf of students who have already earned their degree as long as the journal article describes work conducted while the individual was a graduate student at OHSU and in the School of Medicine. Each nomination must include the following:
- Student’s curriculum vitae (including a list of all publications)
- Student’s statement (1 page or less). The student should concisely assess how their studiesprovided major new insights and also describe their specific role in the studies. Because manyjournal articles are co-authored, it is important to specify the student’s contributions. Factorsthat should be considered include a description of the student’s contribution to development ofthe concept or hypothesis, experimental design, development of new methods or materials,collection and interpretation of data, and preparation and revision of the manuscript.
- Copy of the journal article
- Letters of recommendation from at least 2 faculty members. The letters should evaluate thesignificance of the studies and the contribution of the student to the studies. The letters shouldaddress the importance of the studies within a broadly defined field. The letters should indicatethe relationship of the referee to the student (for instance advisor, committee member, orcollaborator). Letters from faculty at other institutions are acceptable and can be very useful. Itwould be helpful if letters from outside referees indicate how knowledge of the study wasobtained (published paper, scientific meeting, collaboration, personal discussion, etc).
Nomination Deadline: March 31, 2025 Submit nominations as a single PDF file to
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Monica Hinds, Ph.D., with letters of recommendation sent directly to Dr. Hinds.
This award is given to recognize an outstanding Master's thesis or Capstone Project by a School of Medicine graduate student who has graduated or defended their thesis by March 31, 2025. Each nomination must include the following:
- Student's curriculum vitae (including a list of all publications)
- Student's statement (1 page or less). The student should concisely describe how their studiesprovide major new insights and also describe their role in the studies including a description ofthe student's contribution either to (1) development of the concept or hypothesis, experimentaldesign, development of new method's or materials, collection and interpretation of data, andpreparation of the document, or (2) development of the student’s field by identifying a problemor goal and evaluating the appropriateness of various interventions to solve that problem ormeet that goal.
- Letters of recommendation from at least 2 faculty members. The letters should evaluate theimportance of the studies within a broadly defined field, the contributions of the student, andshould indicate the relationship of referee to student (i.e., advisor, committee member, and/orcollaborator). Letters from faculty at other institutions are acceptable and can be very useful. Itwould be helpful if letters from outside referees indicate how knowledge of the thesis orcapstone project was obtained (published paper, scientific meeting, collaboration, personaldiscussion, etc.).
- Copy of the thesis or capstone project final report (draft form will be accepted).
Nomination Deadline: March 31st, 2025 Submit nominations as a single PDF file to
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Monica Hinds, Ph.D., with letters of recommendation sent directly to Dr. Hinds.
This award is given to recognize an outstanding doctoral dissertation by a School of Medicine graduate student who has graduated or defended their dissertation before March 31st, 2025. Each nomination must include the following:
- Student's curriculum vitae (including a list of all publications)
- Student's statement (1 page or less). The student should concisely describe how their studiesprovide major new insights and also describe their role in the studies including a description ofthe student's contribution to: development of the concept or hypothesis, experimental design,development of new method's or materials, collection and interpretation of data, andpreparation of the document.
- Letters of recommendation from at least 2 faculty members. The letters should evaluate theimportance of the studies within a broadly defined field, the contributions of the student, andshould indicate the relationship of referee to student (i.e., advisor, committee member, and/orcollaborator). Letters from faculty at other institutions are acceptable and can be very useful. Itwould be helpful if letters from outside referees indicate how knowledge of the dissertationproject was obtained (published paper, scientific meeting, collaboration, personal discussion,etc.).
- Copy of the dissertation (draft form will be accepted).
Nomination Deadline: March 31, 2025 Submit nominations as a single pdf file to
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Monica Hinds, Ph.D., with letters of recommendation sent directly to Dr. Hinds.
Faculty Awards
This award is given to recognize faculty members who have exemplified outstanding and sustained contributions to teaching graduate students at OHSU. Selection criteria include:
- Demonstrated outstanding and sustained contribution in the direct teaching of graduate students at OHSU.
- Demonstrated consistent use of innovative and creative teaching techniques.
Each nomination must include the following:
- an email to that includes the name of the faculty nominee, course(s) they direct/instruct, and a few sentences about what makes them excellent teachers.
This award is given to recognize faculty members who have exemplified involvement and achievement in one or more of the following areas:
- Exceptional organizational leadership in enhancing student education.
- Advancing education through the development and creation of new instructional materials or curricular designs.
- Service as an outstanding educator and/or mentor for students.
Each nomination must include the following:
- Two letters of support
- The nominee's curriculum vitae
This award is given to recognize a faculty member for outstanding research and student mentoring. Nominations are solicited for members of the School of Medicine Graduate Faculty who have a sustained record of high quality research as well as a strong record of mentoring graduate students and/or postdoctoral fellows in their laboratories and subsequent careers.
Each nomination must include the following:
- Cover letter which summarizes the candidate’s research and mentoring accomplishments.
- Curriculum vitae and which includes a list of mentored students and postdoctoral fellows(including current positions).
- Letters of recommendation from faculty colleagues and/or current and past students.
Nomination Deadline: March 31st, 2025 Submit nominations as a single PDF file to
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Monica Hinds, Ph.D.,