Awards and Funding

March of Dimes logo

March of Dimes 2020 Basil O'Connor Starter Scholar Research Award

Foundation for Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine logo

Foundation for SMFM Bridge Funding Award 2021

American Society for Reproductive Medicine logo

2022 ASRM Discovery and Innovation Grant 2022

Pharmacosmos logo
OHSU logo

OHSU Faculty Excellence and Innovation Award 2020 

OHSU Research Foundation New Investigator Grant 2021 

Pacific Northwest Biomedical Innovation Co-Laboratory logo

OHSU Precision Medicine Innovation Co-Laboratory Innovation Grant 2023

The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Logo

NIH/NICHD K12 Reproductive Scientist Development Program 2016

NIH/NICHD R03 2019 

NIH/NICHD R01 2023 

Society for Maternal & Fetal Medicine Logo
Reproductive Scientist Development Program Logo

Reproductive Scientist Development Program 2016

Silver Family Foundation Logo

Silver Family Faculty Excellence and Innovation Award 2020

National Institute on Drug Abuse logo

NIH/NIDA DP1 Avenir Award in Genetics and Epigenetics of Substance Use 2022

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory logo