Calendar of Events
MD-MPH Events for Academic Year 2024-2025
More events coming soon!
Saturday, Aug, 10, 5 p.m. | Welcome and re-union dinner at Alex's house
All MD-MPH students and associated faculty welcome!
Saturday, Sept. 14 | Creche-hosted social event (Eider creche)
Saturday, Oct. 12, 9 a.m. | MD-MPH Field Day
The five creches compete for the golden pump handle via a series of events including a vaccination relay and study. Held at the RLSB.
Tuesday, Oct. 15, 4:15 p.m. | Journal Club (online)
This month discussing: Rental Housing Deposits and Health Care Use.
Monday, Nov. 4, 4 p.m. | Two Things… MD-MPH Alumni Speaker Series, with Margaret Cary, M.D., M.P.H.
Dr. Cary is the medical director for behavioral health for the Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid) and is a practicing psychiatrist who will discuss her path and some of her current work. The Alumni Conversation Series asks alumni to talk about their career path since graduation and one of their current projects in more depth. Open to the entire MD-MPH community, including alumni. Held in-person at the RLSB 1S018, with a virtual option (see invite).
Tuesday, Nov. 12, noon | Special OHSU Botswana Seminar on Healthcare and Research
Join us for this special occasion featuring Sara Khilji, MD, MPH., who has worked in different health systems around the world, She has lived and worked in Botswana since 2020 working with the Botswana Global Health Program, a multi-institutional partnership between the Botswana Ministry of Health, OHSU, Harvard and Beth Israel. Held in-person at RLSB 1S019, with a virtual option (see invite).
Friday, Dec. 6, 6 p.m. | MD-MPH State of the Program Gathering
All five classes share their news, updates and academic interests as well as an update on the program overall from the director. Food and drink provided. Open to current MD-MPH students. Location TBD (check back here for more information).
Friday, Dec. 13, 5 p.m. | Flamingo creche TINJC event
This will be a housing policy discussion with Dr. Richard Bruno, and we'll be making health kits for Portland Street Medicine. Location: RLSB 1S018.
Monday, Jan. 13, 4:15 p.m. | Journal Club (online)
Come scratch your journal club itch, learn some analysis tools and engage in critical conversation about a journal article.
Today we will be discussing the emergence of bird flu. The journal article, from the NEJM, can be found here: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Infections in Humans. Email Alex for the link. Open to current MD-MPH students.
January 22 – Two Things… MD-MPH Alumni Speaker Series
February (Date TBD) – Ostrich creche TINJC event
March 5 – MD-MPH Research Retreat (CDRC)
April (Date TBD) – Lion creche TINJC event
April 8 – Journal Club (online)
April 12 – MD-MPH Day of Service
May 14 - Two Things… MD-MPH Alumni Speaker Series
June (Date TBD) – Penguin creche TINJC event