
Leslie Myatt Speaking to Oregon Nutrition Day Attendees

Oregon Nutrition Day

This annual conference is usually held in the springtime and is an event that showcases both work that is ongoing at the institutional level both here at OHSU and abroad, as well as connecting the science directly to work that is taking place locally at the community level. Every year a theme is selected of which the presentations for the day will revolve around. It's an event meant to attract both researchers and students who are interested in hearing more about ongoing projects, but also community members who want to hear about how the science connects to them. 

Please visit our Oregon Nutrition Day webpage for more information about this year's conference and previous year's as well. 

Kent Thornburg answering Question from the Audience

DOHaD Summer Course

The DOHaD Summer Course is designed for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and early-career faculty who are interested in the long-term consequences of developmental programming. This four-day course takes place in August and introduces participants to different perspectives within the field of DOHaD thru a series of lectures by nationally recognized researchers. Participants get the opportunity to ask questions directly to the researchers conducting the science and learn from other participants by giving presentations of their own work. To learn more about this year's course and previous years, please visit our DOHaD Summer Course webpage