
The immunohistochemistry lab at OHSU offers a menu of nearly 200 immunohistochemical tests for formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue (see searchable list below). The majority of these studies are performed on Ventana automated immunostainers. We also use these instruments for our in situ hybridization tests.

In addition, the muscle lab also offers a dystrophy panel, comprised of a dozen immunohistochemical stains on frozen muscle tissue. The lab is also responsible for immunofluorescence staining of frozen tissue on medical and transplant renal cases.

How to request a consultation

Please submit the requisition form with your consultation request. Please include a complete clinical history and results of imaging studies.

Consultation requests may be submitted to:

OHSU Department of Pathology
Mail code L471
3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, OR 97239

For additional information, please contact Surgical Pathology.

Phone: 503-494-6776

Fax: 503-494-6787

OHSU Immunohistochemistry Lab

Phone: 503-494-5755