Our Faculty

Our faculty members are skilled pathologists and dedicated, enthusiastic teachers. Representing diverse experience and training from prestigious learning institutions across the country, our faculty offer expertise in organ transplant pathology, molecular diagnostics, neuropathology, cytopathology, hematopathology, gynecologic pathology, coagulation, immunohistochemistry, transfusion medicine, gastrointestinal pathology, renal pathology, soft tissue and bone pathology, and other subspecialties.
Our Faculty
Appointments and titles
- Associate Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Co-Director, Pathology Student Fellowship Program
Appointments and titles
- Associate Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Director, Surgical Pathology
- Residency Associate Program Director
- Program Director, Gastrointestinal, Pancreaticobiliary, and Liver Pathology Fellowship
Appointments and titles
- Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Vice Chair for Research
Appointments and titles
- Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Professor Emeritus of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Associate Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Associate Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Medical Director, CHO Labs
- Medical Director, Institutional Quality
Appointments and titles
- Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Chair
- Medical Director, Clinical Laboratory
- Vice Chair, Clinical Pathology
- Clinical Service Chief
- Medical Director, Point of Care Testing
- Director, Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology
Appointments and titles
- Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Vice Chair, Health Law and Patient Advocacy
Appointments and titles
- Instructor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Professor Emerita of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Medical Director, Autopsy
- Co-Director, Pathology Student Fellowship Program
- Associate Program Director, Neuropathology Fellowship
Appointments and titles
- Clinical Associate, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Clinical Associate, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Director, Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology
Appointments and titles
- Instructor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Instructor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Medical Director, Immunohistochemistry Lab
- Director, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Appointments and titles
- Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Associate Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Instructor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Associate Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Director, Foundation Thread
Appointments and titles
- Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine
- Professor of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine
- Program Director, Cytopathology Fellowship
- Member, CEDAR, OHSU Knight Cancer Institute, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Director, Medical Student Elective
Appointments and titles
- Medical Director, Hillsboro Medical Center Pathology
- Clinical Associate, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Director, Clinical Microbiology
Appointments and titles
- Associate Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Program Director, Hematopathology Fellowship
- Medical Director, Hematopathology
- Medical Director, Clinical Hematology
Appointments and titles
- Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Medical Director, Cytopathology
Appointments and titles
- Associate Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Program Director, Breast and Gynecologic Pathology Fellowship
Appointments and titles
- Professor of Oral Pathology and Radiology, School of Dentistry
Appointments and titles
- Associate Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Assistant Professor of Pathology, Division of Anatomic Pathology, School of Medicine
- Director, Informatics
Appointments and titles
- Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Medical Director, Transfusion Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Associate Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Program Director, Cytopathology Fellowship
Appointments and titles
- Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Director, Informatics of Knight Diagnostic Laboratories
Appointments and titles
- Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Associate Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Vice Chair, Education
- Residency Program Director
- Medical Director, Hemostasis and Thrombosis Service
- Program Director, Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Appointments and titles
- Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Instructor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Associate Program Director, Dermatopathology Fellowship
- Medical Director, Quality
Appointments and titles
- Associate Professor of Dermatology, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Assistant Professor of Oral Pathology and Radiology, School of Dentistry
Appointments and titles
- Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Medical Director, Electrophoresis
- Residency Associate Program Director
- Medical Director, Richmond Lab
Appointments and titles
- Associate Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Associate Professor of Molecular and Medical Genetics, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Director, Neuropathology Core of the Layton Aging & Alzheimer’s Disease Center
Appointments and titles
- Associate Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Medical Director, Neuropathology
- Program Director, Neuropathology Fellowship
Appointments and titles
- Professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine
- Director of Pediatric Hematology, Pediatrics, Division of Hematology and Oncology, School of Medicine
- Associate Medical Director of Transfusion Services, Pediatrics, Division of Hematology and Oncology, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine
- Director, Flow Lab
- Program Director, Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship
Faculty Affiliates
La'Tonzia Adams, M.D. – Staff Pathologist, Microbiology, Portland VAMC
Anne Avery, M.D. – Hematopathologist, Kaiser Permanente Airport Way Laboratory
Bryan Cunningham, M.D. – Staff Pathologist, Portland VAMC
Dean Fong, D.O. – Chief, Pathology and Laboratory Services, Portland VAMC
Eric Goranson, M.D. – Staff Pathologist, Portland VAMC
Arlette Habashi, M.D. – Staff Pathologist, Portland VAMC
F. James Kratochvil III, D.D.S. – Oral Pathologist, NW Oral Pathology
Nicky Leeborg, M.D. – Hematopathologist, Kaiser Permanente Airport Way Laboratory
Rebecca Millius, M.D. – Deputy State Medical Examiner
Cliff Nelson, M.D. – Deputy State Medical Examiner
David Sauer, M.D. – Staff Pathologist, Portland VAMC (David.sauer@va.gov)
Michele Stauffenberg, M.D. – Oregon State Medical Examiner
Curtis Thomspon, M.D. – Dermatopathologist, CTA Lab
Kirsten Woolf, M.D. – Staff Pathologist, Cytopathology and Breast Pathology, Portland VAMC