Our Faculty

2024 Department of Pathology and Lab Medicine Faculty

Our faculty members are skilled pathologists and dedicated, enthusiastic teachers. Representing diverse experience and training from prestigious learning institutions across the country, our faculty offer expertise in organ transplant pathology, molecular diagnostics, neuropathology, cytopathology, hematopathology, gynecologic pathology, coagulation, immunohistochemistry, transfusion medicine, gastrointestinal pathology, renal pathology, soft tissue and bone pathology, and other subspecialties.

Our Faculty

Faculty Affiliates

La'Tonzia Adams, M.D. – Staff Pathologist, Microbiology, Portland VAMC
Anne Avery, M.D. – Hematopathologist, Kaiser Permanente Airport Way Laboratory
Bryan Cunningham, M.D. – Staff Pathologist, Portland VAMC
Dean Fong, D.O.  Chief, Pathology and Laboratory Services, Portland VAMC
Eric Goranson, M.D. – Staff Pathologist, Portland VAMC
Arlette Habashi, M.D. – Staff Pathologist, Portland VAMC
F. James Kratochvil III, D.D.S. – Oral Pathologist, NW Oral Pathology
Nicky Leeborg, M.D. – Hematopathologist, Kaiser Permanente Airport Way Laboratory
Rebecca Millius, M.D. – Deputy State Medical Examiner
Cliff Nelson, M.D. – Deputy State Medical Examiner
David Sauer, M.D. – Staff Pathologist, Portland VAMC (David.sauer@va.gov)
Michele Stauffenberg, M.D. – Oregon State Medical Examiner
Curtis Thomspon, M.D. – Dermatopathologist, CTA Lab
Kirsten Woolf, M.D. – Staff Pathologist, Cytopathology and Breast Pathology, Portland VAMC