Vaccine & Gene Therapy Institute
Oregon Health & Science University
Assistant to Professor Faculty Positions Available!
Location: Beaverton & Portland Oregon
The Vaccine & Gene Therapy Institute (VGTI) at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) invites applications for professional-track faculty positions at the Assistant, Associate and Full Professor levels. We are interested in candidates with demonstrated potential for creative, collaborative research in infectious disease and immunology using small animal models, nonhuman primate models, basic and/or translational human studies with the ultimate goal of developing approaches to enable the prevention and cure of infectious diseases.
Located on the OHSU West campus, adjacent to the Oregon National Primate Research Center, the VGTI is a free-standing facility that includes access to biosafety level 3 laboratories, and state-of-the-art core technologies such as spatial profiling and transcriptomics, single cell transcriptomics, and flow cytometry. Current faculty engage in multidisciplinary and collaborative research in the pathobiology and immunology and prevention and cure of 1) HIV/AIDS, 2) Herpes family viruses, 3) Tuberculosis, 4) Malaria, 5) emerging viruses, particularly those with pandemic potential, and 6) the immunology of aging.
We are seeking PhD, MD or DVM (or equivalent) degree applicants with academic qualifications commensurate with Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor rank, and experience in managing an independent research program. This includes:
- Involvement in an interdisciplinary research or complimentary program in the field of infectious disease.
- Candidates should have experience in, or demonstrated commitment for, building an equitable and diverse scholarly environment in research, mentoring, teaching and service.
- The successful applicant is expected to establish a productive, collaborative, externally-funded research program.
- Actively participate in mentoring of staff, students and post-doc trainees.
- Have a track record of publications and grant funding commensurate with their experience.
Candidates should apply on-line by sending PDFs of a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and a 3-page statement describing your research program and interests to Heidi White, VGTI Administrative Director (whitehei@ohsu.edu). Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. For specific enquiries about this position, please contact Afam Okoye, PhD, Chair of the VGTI Faculty Search Committee (okoyea@ohsu.edu).
Oregon Health & Science University values a diverse and culturally competent workforce. We are proud of our commitment to being an equal opportunity, affirmative action organization that does not discriminate against applicants on the basis of any protected class status, including disability status and protected veteran status. Individuals with diverse backgrounds and those who promote diversity and a culture of inclusion are encouraged to apply. To request reasonable accommodation, contact the Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Department at 503-494-5148 or aaeo@ohsu.edu.