Parking Garage D
Daily and hourly parking for people arriving for work and school. Permits required, 8am to 5pm, weekdays. ADA parking onsite.
Vehicles and people with a work or education affiliation with OHSU (employees, students, contractors, vendors, volunteers, interpreters, applicants, etc.) must receive coverage to park for personal appointments.
Patient parking coverage for employees and students.
Description by garage parking level:
- P1: Lower entrance. Patient valet parking only. Pick-up/ drop-off located at the entrance of Doernbecher Children's Hospital.
- P2: Online permits and motorcycle area
- P3: Online permits and motorcycle area
- P4: Online permits and motorcycle area
- P5: Online permits.
- P6: Upper entrance. Online permits. Motorcycle parking available in designated motorcycle parking areas.
Self parking: 24/7
Closest patient parking:
Closest buildings:
- Biomedical Information and Communication Center
- Physical Plant
- OHSU Student Center
- Doernbecher Children's Hospital
- The garage clearance is 6'8".
- Oversize parking accessible via top deck entrance.
- Top deck location in Google Maps

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd
Portland, 97239
United States