Parking Garage K
Garage located adjacent to Kohler Pavilion. Parking for patients and their personal visitors. ADA parking onsite. Parking for other purposes in patient spaces is strictly prohibited.
Parking for non-patients: Online permit required 8am to 5pm week days.
Vehicles and people with a work or education affiliation with OHSU (employees, students, contractors, vendors, volunteers, interpreters, applicants, etc.) must receive coverage to park for personal appointments.
Patient parking coverage for employees and students.
Description by garage parking level:
- P1: Patient parking and motorcycle area
- P2: Patient parking. Online permit area begins past the yellow and white stripe on P2. Motorcycle area.
- P3: Online permits and motorcycle area
- P4: Online permits
Self parking: Available 24/7.
Closest Buildings:
- 11' clearance at entrance.
- 8'11'' after 1st floor elevators.
- 6'11" 2nd through 4th floor.

820 SW Campus Drive
Plan a trip to an appointment.
Plan a trip for work or school.
Permits at this facility:
Public (non-patient)