Parking Coverage

OHSU is pay to park, 8am to 5pm weekdays. Anyone here for work or educational purposes must obtain a permit to park during these hours. This includes all employees, students, contractors, vendors, volunteers, translators, job applicants, student applicants, and people visiting for meetings, classes and lectures.
If vehicles with a work or education affiliation with OHSU will be parked in patient parking for a personal medical appointment or to visit or accompany a patient, you will need to obtain free patient parking coverage.
If you are working on campus before or after the appointment, the vehicle will need to be moved from patient parking and parked in a permit stall where a permit is required. You will need to pay for a parking permit and park in a non-patient area.
How to obtain coverage
Parking in patient parking is free for the duration of the patient visit, as well as 30 minutes before and after. Securing coverage for your vehicle in patient parking varies depending on location.
Parking in patient parking is free up to 30 minutes before and after the patient appointment.
If you are working on campus before or after the appointment, the vehicle will need to be removed from patient parking and parked in a permit stall where a permit will be required. You will need to pay for a parking permit and park in a non-patient area.
Marquam Hill
There are three ways to obtain patient parking coverage on Marquam Hill
- OHSU employees can make a Patient Parking reservation on MyCommute (recommended). View instructions to reserve a patient parking here.
- Email
- Leave a voicemail at: 503-494-8283
For both email and phone coverage, please provide:
- The name and/or Employee ID of the OHSU member associated with the vehicle
- License plate number and state
- Date(s) of coverage
South Waterfront
- Pull a ticket in the garage.
- Validate at clinic or check-in.
Maternity Parking Permits are available at the special reserved rate for employees working onsite who are: In their third trimester of pregnancy; have ADA parking; or, can provide a doctor's note.
If the person seeking coverage will be a multiday inpatient or on extended leave, all coverage may be provided at once. This service can only be provided if the vehicle will not be intermittently used for work or school during the leave.
To park in patient parking for personal maternity visits while on leave, or regularly scheduled reoccurring appointments, request extended coverage by contacting Campus Access and Commute Services. Allow 1 to 2 business days for processing. Parking is free for personal appointments and patient visitors.
For all other on campus personal appointments, when not on extended coverage, you can quickly arrange parking as needed. See Patient visits above.
Parking coverage for appointments is also sometimes known as the Do Not Ticket Log.