Melanoma Early Detection Toolkit

A toolkit with resources and education for those interested in screening or referring patients who are at higher risk for melanoma, and disseminating educational tools to empower patients to evaluate their own skin. The toolkit consists of:

  • Online provider training for primary care providers on melanoma early detection (online and in-person options)
  • Patient materials to help spread early detection awareness and education
  • Melanoma Risk Evaluation tool to learn about your personal melanoma risk based on your responses to a survey of questions.

Online training

Melanoma training for medical professionals

Melanoma Risk Evaluation Tool

Dermatology E-visits

Tools and materials for your patients

Tools for your patients

Dermoscopy Telehealth Series

an icon representing virtual events

Guiding principles

The Melanoma Early Detection Toolkit is guided by a specific set of principles that is incorporated into content and interactions:

  • A commitment reducing deaths to to melanoma 
  • The empowerment of patients to check their skin and report changes or suspicious lesions to their healthcare provider
  • The integration of skin exams in medical visits which may be the only time patients see a provider
  • Increasing health for all by incorporating image examples from diverse patient skin types 
  • The utilization technology and media to promote education 
  • Incorporating feedback from course participants to create relevant content


The War on Melanoma™ is an IRB-approved research project directed by P.I. Sancy Leachman, M.D., Ph.D., Chair, Department of Dermatology; Director, Melanoma Program, OHSU Knight Cancer Institute.

The 'War' is an all-fronts effort to reduce melanoma-related deaths in Oregon. Current efforts include:

  • A melanoma early detection educational curriculum, designed to inform the general population of melanoma risk, the importance of self screening, what to look for, and what to do if they find something concerning.
  • A large-scale media campaign, focusing on the early detection of melanoma.
  • A primary care/medical professional early detection curriculum, designed to train and/or review skin lesions and skin cancer screening guidelines.
  • Recruitment to an IRB-approved melanoma research cohort — the Melanoma Community Registry —that is nearing 8,000 members.
  • Creation of MoleMapper™ iPhone Mole Tracking App. App allows users to track moles from a smartphone and analyze them over time to detect potentially harmful changes in their skin. Users can store photos to share with their provider, and opt in to participate in research to create artificial intelligence method to detect melanoma early.
  • Medical community education and outreach efforts, including creation of virtual platforms to connect community and rural providers to melanoma tumor board and melanoma education updates CME opportunities.
  • Community education and outreach efforts, including patient symposiums and community events resulting in thousands of physical attendees and 100,000+ social media reach. Partnership formed with Oregon Health Authority (OHA) state-licensed skincare professionals (massage therapy, cosmetology, etc...) to reach high-impact audience who sees skin at magnitude.  

  • Oregon ranks in the top 10 nationally for rate of new melanomas and rate of melanoma deaths (2011-2015, CDC;USCS).
  • How soon a melanoma is detected directly correlates to survival rates (SEER 2008-2014).
  • The more awareness and education we can deliver to Oregonians on the risks and early detection of melanoma, as well as enhancing physician care in regards to melanoma, the more impact we can have in reducing melanoma-related deaths in Oregon.

War on Melanoma™ mission statement

To reduce suffering and deaths due to melanoma by collaborative efforts in dermatology, primary care and patient education.