OHSU Dental Clinic Referrals

Submit a referral to one of our Graduate Practices or DMD Clinics!
You can now enter all your patient's information online! Go to our SOD Online Dental Referral Form to answer questions that will be sent securely to our dental referrals team. Or download our SOD Dental Clinics Referral Form, fill it out completely, and fax or email to: 503-346-8232, or DentalReferrals@ohsu.edu .
Connect with us
Open Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Please call 503-494-8867 for questions or to schedule an appointment.
NOTE: Our clinics do not provide walk-in appointments and we are not currently treating new patients who require Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. If you have additional questions, please contact us at: mailto:sodapptctr@ohsu.edu
For Providers
If you have a patient with a dental emergency that you are unable to provide care for them at this time, please call the SOD Appointment Center at 503-494-8867.
OHSU Endodontics has increased our capacity for Anterior and Premolar root canal services and single crown with endodontic treatment. If referring patients for these services please complete referral form and provide diagnostic images ( PAX, PANO) in .jpeg format with date taken. We currently have limited capacity for molars at this time.
Our Oral Surgery department has decreased capacity for extractions at this time. We are accepting referrals for implants and limited surgical procedures. Please contact us with any questions.
For Patients
Were you referred for a root canal or other endodontic treatment?
Click here for more information on how to proceed.
Please contact us to find out more about the services that we are offering.
Dental Referrals Team
2730 S. Moody Avenue, Portland, OR 97201
Call: 503-346-4791
Fax: 503-346-8232
Email: dentalreferrals@ohsu.edu
Notice: Temporary Closure to New External Oral Surgery Referrals
Our Oral Surgery Department is currently not accepting new referrals from external providers and potential patients.
We are focusing on serving our existing patients and will continue to provide care to patients of record within the School of Dentistry.
We will reopen for new external referrals once our current commitments are fulfilled. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.
Thank you for your continued support.