Healthy Lifestyles Program Services
What is it?
The Doernbecher Healthy Lifestyle Clinic (DHLC) is a special clinic where we can look at the lifestyles of our pediatric patients and their families to prevent secondary health problems from occurring. Over the last 30 years we have seen poor eating habits and levels of exercise, in combination with genetics and even conditions before birth, that have led to children with worsening health. The most common problems in these children stem from developing an unhealthy weight.
Why was my child referred to the DHLC?
If your child has been sent to our clinic, it is because your health care provider is worried about your child’s health and would like us to examine his or her lifestyle more closely. This means that we will ask questions regarding his or her genetic history, eating habits, exercise patterns, screen time and other important influences.
We will also look for any other conditions associated with being overweight. Examples include diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gallstones, fatty liver disease, abnormal menstrual cycles and potential future infertility, obstructive sleep apnea, musculoskeletal problems, depression and bullying.
What is involved in an appointment at the DHLC?
You will see a team dedicated to the care of children with an unhealthy weight. This group consists of a pediatrician, a pediatric dietitian, a pediatric trained physical therapist and a pediatric behavioral health psychologist. We work together with you and your family to overcome barriers to making healthy lifestyle changes. Our group will see your child every three to six months. Your initial appointment will be three to four hours long. Follow-up appointments will be about two hours. We may draw blood from your child to screen for the health problems described above.
Will we be enrolled in a treatment program?
Will we be enrolled in a treatment program?
When and where does the clinic take place?
The DHLC is at our Doernbecher Westside Pediatric clinic in Bethany Village (see address below). The DHLC will be open the first and third Wednesdays of the month. We are very excited to meet you and your child, and to get started on working on a plan toward improving their health!
For an appointment or for other questions contact us at 503-494-3900.