Education and Training | Dotter Department of Interventional Radiology
Training the Future Leaders of Interventional Radiology
The Dotter Department of Interventional Radiology is committed to attracting diverse individuals poised to lead our specialty. We are dedicated to training our residents to deliver the highest quality care with awareness and sensitivity reflecting the individuals and communities we serve.
Education is one of the missions of the Dotter Department of Interventional Radiology from residency and fellowships to technologist and nursing education. Our department offers regional, national, and international didactic presentation.
The Department's educational efforts are focused on teaching physicians-radiology residents, interventional clinical and research fellows, experienced interventionalists and referring physicians. The Department's educational programs also are geared to interventional technologists and nurses, lay public and healthcare company representatives.
Radiology residents become familiar with indications and use of vascular and interventional radiology techniques. During long-term clinical fellowships, the fellows are trained to be proficient providers of vascular and interventional radiology in their private or academic practice.
Experienced interventionalists can expand their skills and learn new procedures in the Department's tutorial program. Research fellows learn basic interventional techniques, research planning and translating research results into scientific papers. Referring physicians, interventional technologists and nurses, and the lay public are informed about new techniques of interventional treatment.
Company sales representatives and engineers learn information regarding the use of their interventional devices during practical courses. Deploying devices manufactured by their specific companies is particulary useful for their work.
The Department's staff members use a wide range of educational methods. These include procedure planning, supervised clinical and research work, and organizing practical courses and meetings for technologists and nurses. Didactic presentations of the Department faculty at regional, national, and international meetings are also very effective in spreading interventional radiology all over the world. The Department's scientific exhibits and posters are other useful tools for demonstrating new techniques and disseminating interventional education.