
Asako Chihaya teaches a cooking class at the Asian Health & Service Center in Portland, as part of a Tier 3 grant, Phase 2 of Asian Cancer Resource and Support Services (ACRSS).
Asako Chihaya teaches a cooking class at the Asian Health & Service Center in Portland, as part of a Tier 3 grant, Phase 2 of Asian Cancer Resource and Support Services (ACRSS). The grant provided funds for culturally and linguistically-specific support resources and services to Asian cancer patients and family members speaking Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean and/or Vietnamese.

Grants fund projects from cancer prevention through survivorship

The OHSU Knight Cancer Institute created the Community Partnership Program to support the development of sustainable collaborations with Oregon communities to address community-identified cancer needs. Grants fund projects anywhere along the cancer continuum from prevention through survivorship. Projects range from the implementation of a community needs assessment about tobacco prevention to supporting the expansion of an existing cancer education program for elementary school students. Generally, proposals are accepted for submission twice per year, in January and July. Three tiers of grants are available to applicants to meet the differing needs of Oregon communities and to help applicants grow proposals into robust, sustainable programs.

Learn more about the three grant tiers.

The Community Partnership Program has awarded $5.7M to 216 projects

To date, the program has invested $7.7M in 216 projects across Oregon, which includes $5.7M in grant awards. While over two-thirds of the program budget directly funds projects, about one-quarter goes toward funding grantee support that provides trainings on project design and evaluation, carries out program evaluation, and supports costs to bring grantees to an annual conference to share learnings. Less than 10% of the program budget is directed to administrative costs to support the grant submission platform, distribution of awards, and organizing the annual grantee conference. 

Overall, 81% of funded projects are new project concepts and 87% are first-time submissions. Focus areas include cancer prevention, survivorship and screening/early detection.
57% of Community Partnership Program projects have a focus on cancer prevention
Graphic showing 57% of projects have a focus on cancer prevention.
32% of projects include a focus on cancer screening and/or early detection
Graphic showing 32% of projects have a focus on cancer screening and/or early detection.
A green square with white text that reads "Since 2014 40% of projects have a focus on Cancer Survivorship."
Graphic showing 40% of projects have a focus on cancer survivors.

Geographic and demographic reach

Funded projects have impacted all 36 Oregon counties, and funded organizations are located in 45 cities across the state. The program has reached more than 107,000 Oregonians since 2014, with 39% focusing exclusively on cancer issues in rural communities only, while an additional 42% include both rural and urban communities. 

View details of funded proposals and filter by project characteristics on our interactive map.

Community Partnership Program has funded organizations in 45 Oregon cities
The program has funded organizations located in the following cities: Albany, Aloha, Ashland, Astoria, Baker City, Beaverton, Bend, Boring, Burns, Coos Bay, Cornelius, Corvallis, Eugene, Forest Grove, Glide, Grants Pass, Gresham, Hermiston, Hillsboro, Hood River, John Day, Klamath Falls, La Grande, La Pine, Lakeview, Madras, McMinnville, Medford, Murphy, Myrtle Point, North Bend, Ontario, Pendleton, Portland, Prineville, Roseburg, Salem, St. Helens, The Dalles, Tigard, Tillamook, Tualatin, West Linn, Winston and Woodburn.

Expand each section below to learn more

75 projects focus on a particular race or ethnicity

Graph stating 75 funded projects focus on a particular race and/or ethnicity
Of the funded projects, 75 have a focus on at least one race or ethnicity, including American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian American, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander, or white/Caucasian. 

114 projects target at least one unique population

Graph showing 114 projects focus on at least one unique population
Of the funded projects, 114 have a focus on at least one specific population including cancer patients/survivors, caregivers, immigrants and refugees, LGBTQI+, persons with disabilities, and Veterans.

15 projects focus on a tribe based in Oregon

15 Community Partnership Program projects focus on a tribe based in Oregon
Of the funded projects, 15 have a focus on at least one federally designated tribe in Oregon including Burns Paiute Tribe, Coos, Siuslaw and Lower Umpqua Tribes, Coquille Tribe, Cow Creek Band of Umpqua, Grande Ronde Tribes, Klamath Tribes, Siletz Tribes, Umatilla Tribes, and Warm Springs Tribes.

142 projects focus on a cancer-related topic

Graph showing that of the funded projects, 142 focus on one or more cancer-related topics.
Of the funded projects, 142 have a focus on one of the cancer-related topic including diet/nutrition, HPV prevention/vaccination, patient navigation, physical activity, psychosocial support, and tobacco prevention and/or cessation.
Graph showing that of funded proposals, 72 focus on specific cancers
Of the funded projects, 72 have a focus on one particular type of cancer, including breast, colorectal, gynecological, hematologic, lung, male reproductive system, pancreatic, sarcoma, and skin/melanoma.
Graph showing 81% of Community Partnership Program projects focus on rural areas
Of the funded projects, 39% address cancer issues exclusively in rural communities, while an additional 42% address both rural and urban communities and 19% focus exclusively on urban communities.

Addressing cancer-related health disparities

The Community Partnership Program highly encourages proposals that address cancer-related health disparities and increase equity for Oregon communities that have been historically disadvantaged and/or marginalized. By supporting communities in addressing cancer-related health disparities, including disparities related to race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender identity, sexual orientation, geographic location and disability, the Community Partnership Program aims to help reduce the disproportionate impact of cancer. 

Some Community Partnership Program-funded projects have taken steps to address cancer-related health disparities experienced by specific communities and populations.

Klamath Tribal Health and Family Services

A person walking in the woods

Established a walking program in four communities in Klamath County aimed at reducing obesity and other risk factors for cancer.

Virginia Garcia Memorial Foundation and Health Center

Spanish language poster promoting Virginia Garcia's STOP Colorectal Cancer project.

Utilized culturally appropriate strategies to increase colorectal screening among low-income Latino/as who were receiving care at Virginia Garcia’s community health centers. Click on image to enlarge.

Asian Health and Service Center

Linda Paul,of the OHSU School of Nursing and faculty (left) waits as Tin Huynh (right), a Vietnamese speaking volunteer, interprets information to a Vietnamese client at the 2017 Asian Community Health Fair.

Created a cancer resource center that provides culturally and linguistically appropriate education and support services to the Asian community in the Portland metro area.

Special Calls

The Community Partnership Program periodically offers Special Call funding opportunities to address specific community and/or cancer institute priorities. Each Special Call is unique in its focus area, number of grants available, and application/review process. 

Learn about the most recent Special Call funding opportunity.

Focus Description Year
Cancer screening promotion Four grants awarded to create cancer-screening communication plans based on the NCI/NIH The Pink Book. 2022
COVID-19 14 grants awarded to support community-driven projects related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) over three priority areas: 1) COVID-19 and its intersection with cancer, 2) COVID-19 in relation to social determinants of health, or 3) Impacts of COVID-19 on populations disproportionately affected 2020
Community Action Model Four grants awarded to support community organizations in increasing the awareness and acceptability of the HPV vaccine using a two-year, five step process resulting in policy, systems, and/or environmental changes. 2019
Step It Up Survivors! Eight grants awarded to implement evidence-based walking programs among cancer survivors, their friends and family. Results from this initiative were published in a 2020 issue of Preventing Chronic Disease. 2017
Community physical activity promotion and healthy corner stores Four grants awarded to reduce obesity at the community level through implementation of one of two evidence-based approaches: 1) Improving healthy food offerings at corner stores, or 2) Promotion of physical activity at the community level 2016