How to Apply for a Community Grant

Grant applications are currently closed
Applications are not being accepted at this time. For those who submitted an intent to apply before the deadline, application instructions are below. Contact us with questions at any time.
1. Develop your project idea
- Review the 2025-1 Request For Proposals and the frequently asked questions.
- Watch a recording of the Request for Proposals information session. Download the slides as notes.
- Watch the Developing and Evaluating a Community Project webinar (18 minutes. Password: KnightCPP1 ) and download the slides for notes.
2. Submit an intent to apply form by noon on Friday, February 7, 2025. (Note: The due date has passed and applications are no longer being accepted.)
- Submitted information is not binding and may be updated at the full proposal stage.
- All applicants who complete step 2 will be invited to submit a full proposal.
3. Submit full proposal by noon on Friday, March 7, 2025
- Applicants will receive emailed instructions by February 14 for submitting the full proposal. Note: Program emails will come from, and Add these to your safe senders list.
- All tiers: Download the 2025-1 proposal questions in a Word document to help you prepare answers before the online portal becomes available.
- All tiers: Download the required budget template, v. Jan 2021
- Tier 1: Download the optional Tier 1 Work plan and timeline template (required for evaluation consultations)
- Tiers 2 and 3: Download the required Objectives and timeline template (required for evaluation consultations and at full proposal stage)
Supplemental resources for Tiered Grants
- Tier 1 Action planning toolkit
- Tier 2 and Tier 3 Planning guide
- S.M.A.R.T. Objectives template
- Tiers 2 and 3: see also the evidence-based approach (EBA) resources in the accordion below.
Additional application resources
County-level cancer statistics
- State Cancer Profiles: Dynamic views of cancer statistics for prioritizing cancer control efforts across the nation. This is useful for finding county-level cancer-related statistics to strengthen a grant application. Search for county-level statistics on the State Cancer Profiles website.
Data analysis resources
Resources where payment is made directly from a CPP award
- OHSU, Evaluation Core: Email
- OHSU, Biostatistics Design: Call 503-494.2551
Resources where payment is via a contract with the institution
- Oregon State University, Statistics Department
- Oregon State University, Survey Research Center
- University of Oregon, Center for Assessment, Statistics, and Evaluation
- Washington State University, Social and Economic Sciences Research Center
This list is meant as a resource and is not comprehensive. Applicants/grantees are not required to utilize any of the organizations listed and are welcome to work with private consultants who provide similar services.
Contact organizations directly in order to receive specific estimates for data analysis services in support of your project. It is preferable to contact listed resources during the project development phase. Please include any data analysis costs in your proposed budget. If possible, include a letter of support if the estimate will be included in a proposal.
Health disparity and evidence-based approach (EBA) resources
The following resources are optional but highly recommended as they help to focus the application and project design.
Cancer-related health disparity resources
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Strategies for Reducing Health Disparities: CDC-sponsored initiatives that address health disparities with the goal of advancing health equity. Go to the Strategies for Reducing Health Disparities website.
- National Cancer Institute, Cancer Disparities: The National Cancer Institute's definition of cancer-related health disparities, examples and contributing factors of disparities. Read the NCI's definition of Cancer Disparities website.
- US Department of Health and Human Services, Social Determinants of Health: Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks. Open the Healthy People 2030 website to learn more about social determinants of health.
Evidence-based approach (EBA) resources
- Community Guide to Preventive Services: A resource to help you select evidence-based interventions to improve health and prevent disease in your state, community, community organization, business, healthcare organization, or school. Search the Community Guide to Preventive Services website.
- National Cancer Institute Evidence-Based Cancer Control Programs: Searchable database of evidence-based cancer control programs designed to provide easy and immediate access to program materials. Search the NCI Evidence-Based Cancer Control Programs website.
Learn how to find, select and adapt evidence-based approaches immediately below, under 'Putting Public Health Evidence in Action Training'.
Putting Public Health Evidence in Action Training
This workshop, created by the Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network (CPCRN) with funding from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), aims to build participant's capacity to implement and evaluate evidence-based approaches to address cancer issues.
Anyone may utilize the three pre-recorded introductory modules below. We encourage Oregon-based individuals who work with community projects and/or research to view these online modules as the skills you learn will support development of community-based projects and grant proposals.
Putting Public Health Evidence in Action: Introductory Modules
Below we are pleased to offer three introductory modules from the Putting Public Health Evidence in Action training, comprised of pre-recorded webinars with activity guides and practical tools. The three modules should take less than 1.5 hours to complete.
1. Finding evidence-based approaches module
- View the Finding Evidence-Based Approaches webinar. Password: KnightCPP1
- Finding an EBA Activity-Scavenger Hunt
- Finding an EBA resource list
2. Selecting an evidence-based approach module
- View the Selecting an Evidence-Based Approach webinar. Password: KnightCPP1
- Selecting an EBA_2 CRC Screening EBI
- Selecting an EBA_Activity-CRC Screening EBI Comparison
- Selecting an EBA_Comparison tool
3. Adapting an evidence-based approach module
- View the Adapting an Evidence-Based Approach webinar. Password: KnightCPP1
- Adapting an EBA_Planning Tool Instructions
- Adapting an EBA_Planning Tool
Estimated timing for the next funding opportunity
The next funding opportunity is expected to open in July 2025:
- Request for proposals opens: mid-July, 2025
- Intent to apply forms due: early August, 2025
- Proposals due: early September, 2025
- Notification of awards: late November, 2025
Grant information sessions
The Community Partnership Program team is available to share information about the program's mission, application process and resources available to all applicants and grantees. To learn more or request a meeting/presentation in your region or community, please contact us.