Resources for Community Partnership Program Grantees

older people practicing exercises with an instructor

Who to Contact

At any time, email project-related questions to and the most relevant team member will contact you.

  • For questions related to project programming, grant terms, no-cost extensions, final project reports or updating project contacts in our system, a Community Partnership Program (CPP) member of staff will reach out to you.
  • For questions on how best to collect data and/or analyze results, a member of the project evaluation team will contact you.

See a list of Community Partnership Program staff and leadership plus read their bios.

Project Resources

See below for documents and guidance for Community Partnership Program grantees. These resources will be useful at many stages during your grant. Contact us if you have any questions.

Grantee Orientation Webinars

The following PDFs include a link to view a recording of the relevant new grantee orientation.

Communications Toolkit

Grantees should refer to the most recent edition of the Communications Toolkit when creating documents or generating media content.

Data Collection and Analyzation Resources

Part I of Words, Stories, and Observation: Overview and Best Practices for Qualitative Data Collection
This 1-hour workshop focuses on the different types of qualitative data (such as interviews, focus groups, documents, and photos) and best practices for data collection.
View the recording of Part 1, Overview and Best Practices for Qualitative Data Collection

Part II of Words, Stories, and Observation: Making Sense of and Analyzing Qualitative Data
This 50-minute workshop focuses on how to analyze interviews, focus groups, and free response answers and how to share out your findings.
View the recording of Part 2, Making Sense of and Analyzing Qualitative Data

Grantee Conference

The next Community Partnership Program grantee conference will be held Autumn 2024 in Corvallis, Oregon.

Learn more on the grantee conference website.