UnitedHealthcare Changes at OHSU

Possible network changes with UnitedHealthcare starting April 1, 2025

Oregon Health & Science University, Adventist Health Portland and/or Hillsboro Medical Center are each committed to making sure that all Oregonians have access to the best care possible. Unfortunately, clinics and hospitals of Oregon Health & Science University, Adventist Health Portland and/or Hillsboro Medical Center may no longer be part of UnitedHealthcare’s insurance network. The current contracts end March 31, 2025.  

Oregon Health & Science University, Adventist Health Portland and Hillsboro Medical Center have each been working to renew contracts with UnitedHealthcare. At this point, fair agreements have not been reached. If the current contracts expire, it may affect your access to clinics and hospitals at Oregon Health & Science University, Adventist Health Portland and/or Hillsboro Medical Center starting April 1, 2025.

Oregon Health & Science University, Adventist Health Portland and/or Hillsboro Medical Center will each keep working with UnitedHealthcare in the hopes of reaching a solution before patient care is disrupted.

The latest information will always be posted on this webpage.

To learn how these changes may affect you, contact UnitedHealthcare directly.

Questions and answers

Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU)

When will UnitedHealthcare in-network benefits end? 
If an agreement isn’t reached, in-network benefits will end at midnight on March 31, 2025.

Who should I contact if I have questions about how this change affects my health care?
It's best to call UnitedHealthcare Customer Service. You can find their phone number on your member ID card.

How can I keep going to my providers and hospitals?
It depends on your health plan:

  • Medicare Advantage: You can check your options during the open enrollment time of Jan. 1 to March 31, 2025.
  • Employer-provided commercial insurance: Check with your Human Resources and Benefits Administrator to see if they offer a plan that includes OHSU as a participating provider.

Can I still see my regular provider?
You can keep seeing your providers until March 31, 2025. If the contracts expire, your UnitedHealthcare plan may no longer cover locations and providers at OHSU. To understand any changes to your costs for care, contact UnitedHealthcare.

What if I have an appointment scheduled after March 31, 2025?
Contact UnitedHealthcare to check your coverage at 1-866-633-2446 / TTY 711. You may want to change the appointment to another in-network provider. 

What if I am in the hospital at OHSU when the contract expires?
Your providers will care for you until discharge, but UnitedHealthcare may ask you to transfer to an in-network hospital. Call UnitedHealthcare's customer service for details. 

Can I still go to an emergency room at OHSU?
You can always go to any hospital for emergency care. But ALWAYS go to the nearest hospital in an emergency, regardless of costs or insurance.

What if I recently had surgery or need ongoing care?
Some UnitedHealthcare members may continue their care if they are in treatment for certain conditions, such as cancer or terminal illness. Ask UnitedHealthcare's customer service for "continuity of care" or "transition coverage." 

Should I contact my provider about this? Can they make an exception for me?
No, only UnitedHealthcare can make the decision for an exception, usually for cases like pregnancy, surgery, cancer care or other specialty needs. You can ask about continuity of care with your UnitedHealthcare representative.

Why is OHSU letting these contracts expire?
OHSU finds the current UnitedHealthcare contracts make it hard to offer the level of care we want to provide. This will not be a decision made lightly. We hope we can reach a fair agreement without impacting patient care.

Where can I find general information about billing and insurance at OHSU?
Visit our website for payments, accepted health plans and more.

What if I have a medical question about my care?
Use MyChart for medical questions. 

How do I transfer my medical records?

  • Fill out the release form to transfer your medical records from OHSU. 
  • Your records are also always visible through your OHSU Health MyChart account. If your new provider uses Epic as their electronic medical record, then your OHSU Health records will be available to your new provider through Care Everywhere.

Why did I get a letter about this if I no longer have UnitedHealthcare insurance? 
We are sorry for any confusion. This network negotiation does not apply if you get your insurance from a different company. Our records show UnitedHealthcare as your insurance provider. You can update your insurance in MyChart or call registration at 503-494-8505

Adventist Health Portland

When will UnitedHealthcare in-network benefits end? 
If an agreement isn’t reached, in-network benefits will end at midnight on March 31, 2025.

Who should I contact if I have questions about how this change affects my health care?
It's best to call UnitedHealthcare Customer Service. You can find their phone number on your member ID card.

How can I keep going to my providers and hospitals?
It depends on your health plan:

  • Medicare Advantage: You can check your options during the open enrollment time of Jan. 1 to March 31, 2025.
  • Employer-provided commercial insurance: Check with your Human Resources and Benefits Administrator to see if they offer a plan that includes Adventist Health Portland as a participating provider.

Can I still see my regular provider?
You can keep seeing your providers until March 31, 2025. If the contracts expire, your UnitedHealthcare plan may no longer cover locations and providers at Adventist Health Portland. To understand any changes to your costs for care, contact UnitedHealthcare.

What if I have an appointment scheduled after March 31, 2025?

Contact UnitedHealthcare to check your coverage at 1-866-633-2446 / TTY 711. You may want to change the appointment to another in-network provider. 

What if I am in the hospital at Adventist Health Portland when the contract expires?
Your providers will care for you until discharge, but UnitedHealthcare may ask you to transfer. Call UnitedHealthcare's customer service for details. 

Can I still go to an emergency room at Adventist Health Portland?
You can always go to any hospital for emergency care. But ALWAYS go to the nearest hospital in an emergency, regardless of costs or insurance.

What if I recently had surgery or need ongoing care?
Some UnitedHealthcare members may continue their care if they are in treatment for certain conditions, such as cancer or terminal illness. Ask UnitedHealthcare's customer service for "continuity of care" or "transition coverage." 

Should I contact my provider about this? Can they make an exception for me?
No, only UnitedHealthcare can make the decision for an exception, usually for cases like pregnancy, surgery, cancer care or other specialty needs. You can ask about continuity of care with your UnitedHealthcare representative.

Why is Adventist Health Portland letting these contracts expire?
Adventist Health Portland finds the current UnitedHealthcare contracts make it hard to offer the level of care we want to provide. This will not be a decision made lightly. We hope we can reach a fair agreement without impacting patient care.

Where can I find general information about billing and insurance at Adventist Health Portland?
Visit our website for payments, accepted health plans and more.

What if I have a medical question about my care?
Use MyChart for medical questions. 

How do I transfer my medical records?

  • Fill out the release form to transfer your medical records from Adventist Health Portland.  
  • Your records are also always visible through your OHSU Health MyChart account. If your new provider uses Epic as their electronic medical record, then your OHSU Health records will be available to your new provider through Care Everywhere.

Why did I get a letter about this if I no longer have UnitedHealthcare insurance? 
We are sorry for any confusion. This network negotiation does not apply if you get your insurance from a different company. Our records show UnitedHealthcare as your insurance provider. You can update your insurance in MyChart or call registration at 503-261-6929 

Hillsboro Medical Center

When will UnitedHealthcare in-network benefits end? 
If an agreement isn’t reached, in-network benefits will end at midnight on March 31, 2025.

Who should I contact if I have questions about how this change affects my health care?
It's best to call UnitedHealthcare Customer Service. You can find their phone number on your member ID card.

How can I keep going to my providers and hospitals?
It depends on your health plan:

  • Medicare Advantage: You can check your options during the open enrollment time of Jan. 1 to March 31, 2025.
  • Employer-provided commercial insurance: Check with your Human Resources and Benefits Administrator to see if they offer a plan that includes Hillsboro Medical Center as a participating provider.

Can I still see my regular provider?
You can keep seeing your providers until March 31, 2025. If the contract expires, your UnitedHealthcare plan may no longer cover locations and providers at Hillsboro Medical Center. To understand any changes to your costs for care, contact UnitedHealthcare.

What if I have an appointment scheduled after March 31, 2025?

Contact UnitedHealthcare to check your coverage at 1-866-633-2446 / TTY 711. You may want to change the appointment to another in-network provider. 

What if I am in the hospital at Hillsboro Medical Center when the contract expires?

Your providers will care for you until discharge, but UnitedHealthcare may ask you to transfer. Call UnitedHealthcare's customer service for details. 

Can I still go to an emergency room at Hillsboro Medical Center?
You can always go to any hospital for emergency care. But ALWAYS go to the nearest hospital in an emergency, regardless of costs or insurance.

What if I recently had surgery or need ongoing care?
Some UnitedHealthcare members may continue their care if they are in treatment for certain conditions, such as cancer or terminal illness. Ask UnitedHealthcare's customer service for "continuity of care" or "transition coverage." 

Should I contact my provider about this? Can they make an exception for me?
No, only UnitedHealthcare can make the decision for an exception, usually for cases like pregnancy, surgery, cancer care or other specialty needs. You can ask about continuity of care with your UnitedHealthcare representative.

Why is Hillsboro Medical Center letting these contracts expire?
Hillsboro Medical Center finds the current UnitedHealthcare contracts make it hard to offer the level of care we want to provide. This will not be a decision made lightly. We hope we can reach a fair agreement without impacting patient care.

Where can I find general information about billing and insurance at Hillsboro Medical Center?
Visit our website for payments and common questions.

What if I have a medical question about my care?
Use MyChart for medical questions. 

How do I transfer my medical records?

  • To transfer your Hillsboro Medical Center records, fill out the release form.
  • Your records are also always visible through your OHSU Health MyChart account. If your new provider uses Epic as their electronic medical record, then your OHSU Health records will be available to your new provider through Care Everywhere.

Why did I get a letter about this if I no longer have UnitedHealthcare insurance? 
We are sorry for any confusion. This network negotiation does not apply if you get your insurance from a different company. Our records show UnitedHealthcare as your insurance provider. You can update your insurance in MyChart or call registration at 503-681-1750 

Medicare Advantage through UnitedHealthcare

If I have Medicare Advantage, can I go to any provider I want? 
No. Unlike traditional Medicare, Medicare Advantage plans work with specific groups of doctors and hospitals called provider networks. Each plan and insurance company has its own network. This is different from traditional Medicare, where you have more flexibility. Some hospitals and doctors may not accept all Medicare Advantage plans.

Can I continue seeing OHSU, Adventist Health Portland and Hillsboro Medical Center providers with my UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage plan?
This contract is at risk. Starting April 1, these three systems may no longer be part of the UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage network.

UnitedHealthcare told me I could use my out-of-network benefits to keep my providers. Is that true? 
No, unless it is for hospital emergency care. OHSU, Adventist Health Portland and Hillsboro Medical Center will not see UnitedHealthcare members who are out-of-network for primary or specialty care. Many medical needs can quickly become very costly without in-network benefits.  It’s better to find an in-network provider. There are also complex rules from the federal government that make it hard for hospitals to accept out-of-network Medicare Advantage benefits. If you need hospital emergency care, you can always go to any hospital, including OHSU, Adventist Health Portland and Hillsboro Medical Center. But ALWAYS go to the nearest hospital in an emergency, regardless of costs or insurance.

Can I choose to pay for care myself?
No. Many medical services can be expensive, including labs, imaging or procedures. It’s better to find an in-network provider. OHSU, Adventist Health Portland and Hillsboro Medical Center are not accepting self-pay from UnitedHealthcare members.

My current providers are very important to me. Do I have any options?
Yes. Medicare Advantage members can switch plans until March 31. You can check your options at Medicare.gov or send an email to healthplancontract@ohsu.edu

Does this contract expiration affect my UnitedHealthcare supplemental (Medigap) plan? 
No. Medigap is a separate program and is not affected by this negotiation. 

Does this contract expiration apply to traditional Medicare?
No. Nothing is changing for patients with traditional Medicare. This negotiation only affects Medicare Advantage plans provided by UnitedHealthcare. 

Contact information

Patients of Oregon Health & Science University, OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, Adventist Health Portland or Hillsboro Medical Center:

For general questions about the information on this webpage, you can call or email us. Please know that our support team can’t answer medical or health questions.

لمعرفة كيفية تأثير هذه التغييرات عليك، اتصل بـ UnitedHealthcare مباشرةً. 

  • 1-866-633-2446/TTY 711 
  • UHC.com 

如欲瞭解這些改變對您造成哪些影響,請直接聯絡 UnitedHealthcare。 

  • 1-866-633-2446/TTY 711 
  • UHC.com 

이러한 변경 사항이 귀하에게 어떤 영향을 미칠 수 있는지 알아보려면 UnitedHealthcare에 직접 문의하십시오.  

  • 1-866-633-2446/TTY 711 
  • UHC.com 


  • 1-866-633-2446/TTY 711 
  • UHC.com 

Обратитесь в UnitedHealthcare, чтобы узнать о возможных последствиях этих изменений. 

  • 1-866-633-2446/TTY 711 
  • UHC.com 

Contacte directamente a UnitedHealthcare para saber cómo le afectan estos cambios.  

  • 1-866-633-2446/TTY 711 
  • UHC.com 

Để tìm hiểu những thay đổi này có thể ảnh hưởng đến quý vị như thế nào, vui lòng liên hệ trực tiếp với UnitedHealthcare.  

  • 1-866-633-2446/TTY 711 
  • UHC.com