Program Details

The IRACDA at OHSU training plan has concurrent paths in each year of the fellowship for mentored research, career development, and teaching training.

Year 1 is focused on setting the scholars up for success during their training, with foundational programming such as the IDP, formal training in responsible conduct of research, monthly program seminars, and instruction in teaching tools and pedagogy.

Year 2 centers training as an iterative process involving practice and feedback for presenting research, grant writing, mentoring, and teaching.

Year 3 activities are designed to provide our scholars with opportunities to reflect on their practices, embrace growth opportunities, and prepare for the transition to independent positions by applying for independent funding.

IRACDA at OHSU scholars explore networking opportunities at OHSU, Pacific University, and at National/International Scientific Conferences at least once per year. They also receive manuscript and grant writing training, as well as assistance preparing application materials for faculty positions.

Mentored Research and Career Development Training at OHSU

Throughout the program, fellows will attend:

  • Seminars and journal clubs
  • OPA events and career development seminars
  • Monthly IRACDA and OHSU seminars
  • Quarterly meetings with co-directors
  • Annual meetings with mentors and co-directors
  • IRACDA Conference and Scientific Conference

Setting the tone for research

  • Complete Individual Development Plan (IDP)
  • Ethics of Science
  • Methods for Enhancing Reproducibility
  • Attend skills building workshop

Practical experiences with feedback

  • Review and IDP
  • Prepare for grant submissions
  • Finalizing first manuscript
  • Writing groups and grant writing workshops

Reflecting for growth and transition

  • Review and IDP
  • OHSU Mentorship Academy
  • Preparing and submitting manuscripts of research for submission to peer reviewed journals
  • Submitting or resubmitting grant proposals

Optional activities

Fellows will participate in optional training activities in their last year.

Mentored Teaching Training at Pacific University

Throughout the program, fellows will attend:

  • Monthly meetings with Director and Teaching Mentor
  • Undergraduate Research Symposium (optional)
  • Summer DEI Book Club (optional)
  • Attend or speak at Student Multicultural Center

Setting the tone for teaching

  • Training Future Faculty (TFF) - OHSU pedagogy course focusing on scientific teaching methods
  • Moodle training
  • Brave Space training
  • Monthly observations of faculty teaching

Teaching and learning in higher education

  • Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
  • Building Community in the Classroom
  • Online Learning
  • Teach a course

Reflective and intentional teaching and learning in higher education

  • Using Videos in Teaching
  • Transparency in Teaching and Learning

Optional activities

Fellows will participate in optional training activities in their last year.

Program courses

Courses available to the scholars to teach at the partner institution are included in the following list. This is an initial list, and we look forward to adding to it based on the expertise and interests of IRACDA at OHSU scholars and teaching mentors.

  • Intro Biology: Flow of Energy (BIOL 200)
  • Human Genetics (BIOL 170)
  • Molecular Biology of the Cell (BIOL 313)
  • Immunology (BIOL 405)
  • Biodiversity and Ecosystem Resilience (ENV 265)
  • General Chemistry I (CHEM 220)
  • General Chemistry II (CHEM 230)
  • Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry (CHEM 300)
  • Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry (CHEM 330)
  • Fundamentals of Biochemistry (CHEM 380)
Public Health
  • Public Health (PH 101)
  • Epidemiology (PH 200)
  • Global Health (PH 325)
Additional STEM courses
  • Foundations of Data Science (DSCI 100)
  • Mathematical Probability and Statistics (MATH 316)
  • Evidence-based Optometry and Statistics (VSC 306)
  • Introductory Physics II (PHY 204)
  • Psychosocial Factors in Kinesiology (KINES 340)