Melinda Davis Receives NAPCRG President’s Award

The International Conference on Practice Facilitation (ICPF), led by Dr. Melinda Davis and Dr. Zsolt Nagykaldi, received the North American Primary Care Group (NAPCRG) President’s Award at NAPCRG’s Annual Meeting, held in San Francisco, CA October 30-November 3, 2023. Each year, NAPCRG’s President selects members who encompass NAPCRG’s values and have dedicated their time in service to NAPCRG. The ICPF has partnered with NAPCRG to host six conferences between 2017-2023, providing a professional space dedicated to the practice and science of practice facilitation. This award recognized the tireless work and servant leadership that has made ICPF possible.  

To learn more or get involved with ICPF, visit the NAPCRG website or reach out to

Melinda Davisand Zsolt Nagkaldi