Improve Screening for Esophageal Cancer
- Why: Feasibility of screening for esophageal cancer via novel approaches in rural clinical primary care settings - called BEST-RPP.
- Who is eligible: Rural clinical partners and their patients at risk for Barrett’s Esophagus or Esophageal Cancer
- What: ORPRN is partnering with OHSU gastroenterologist, Fouad Otaki, MD, who is investigating the feasibility of using a novel FDA-approved swallowable device to screen for Barrett's esophagus and esophageal cancer in primary care. The project includes a provider and staff in-service, an opportunity for providers and staff to provide feedback about the device and refer their eligible patients to screen for esophageal cancer with the device at their clinic.
- To get involved: Please contact Laura Ferrara at
Technical Assistance for Colorectal Cancer Screening and Prevention
- Why: The Colorectal Cancer Screening and Prevention Technical Assistance Program aims to raise colorectal cancer screening rates in primary care clinics by implementing evidence-based interventions tailored to your team’s needs. Evidence-based interventions include provider assessment and feedback, provider reminders, patient reminders, and reducing structural barriers.
- Who is eligible: Primary care clinics with a colorectal cancer screening rate below 60%. Clinics serving Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, or rural populations will be prioritized.
- What: Participating clinics will be asked to participate in a readiness assessment, select two or more evidence-based interventions to implement in your clinic, provide quarterly data on colorectal cancer screening rates, and attend quarterly virtual collaborative learning sessions with other participating clinics. Clinics are eligible to receive up to $7,500 for participation in the program.
- To get involved: Please contact Brittany Badicke at
PARADE- early childhood eczema detection study
- Why: The purpose of this study is find out if it is possible to diagnose eczema remotely with an Apple iOS phone app.
- Who is eligible: PARADE is looking for clinics to champion this research by referring patients ages 0-2 and their parent or legal guardian to participate in 12-month remote study
- What: . Clinic involvement is limited to handing out recruitment flyers, posting recruitment posters and a monthly enrollment update meeting. Participants incentive is $80. Starts October 1st and ends March 1st.
- To get involved: Please contact Laura Ferrara, MA, CCRP at