Oregon Office of Rural Health

ORH Policy Updates

Friday, May 2, 2025
12 to 1 p.m. PDT
Contact Information

Policy is changing quickly with a new presidential administration in office and with Oregon in its long legislative session. Starting Feb. 21, ORH will host meetings every other week through June 6 to share state and federal policy changes and to answer your questions about the impact of these changes on your work, organizations and rural communities.

These biweekly meetings, hosted by ORH director Robert Duehmig, will cover state legislative updates (timelines, status of bills and news), federal updates (the latest out of D.C. and the impact on rural health, budget and program updates, and more) and will feature a guest speaker to provide federal and/or state perspectives.

Learn more and sign up here

Once you sign up, you will receive a calendar invite to the series.

The dates for each meeting are listed below. Each meeting starts at noon and ends at 1 p.m.:

  • Friday May 2
  • Friday May 16
  • Friday June 6, 12

All meetings will be hosted virtually on Webex.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Stepha Dragoon | dragoon@ohsu.edu.