Oregon Office of Rural Health

Loan Repayment

Crater lake

Loan repayment programs offer tax-free funds for qualified health care providers working in approved disciplines at eligible practice sites, in exchange for a service obligation. Oregon practice sites can apply to participate in Loan Repayment programs by filling out a Site Application.

The Oregon Behavioral Health Loan Repayment Program (OBHLRP), a part of the Health Care Provider Incentive Program, was established to support rural and underserved communities in the recruitment and retention of high quality behavioral health providers. 

Click here for more information on this program

Oregon Health Care Provider Incentive Loan Repayment was established by the Oregon Legislature to help support underserved communities in their recruitment and retention of high quality providers who serve patients regardless of their source of coverage (Medicaid, Medicare, private etc.) or ability to pay. In exchange for service at a qualifying practice site, participants receive funds to repay qualifying educational loan debt.

Click here for more information on this program. 

SLRP is an incentive for primary care providers working in Health Professional Shortage Areas.

Click here for more information on this program. 

Loan repayment programs not administered by the Office of Rural Health (ORH) may offer incentives to qualified providers working at qualified practice sites. 

Click here for more information on loan repayment programs not administered by ORH.  


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