Headshot photo of Ann Hill, Ph.D.

Ann Hill, Ph.D.

  • Professor of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
  • Program in Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, School of Medicine
  • Cancer Biology Graduate Program, School of Medicine


1990 - Ph.D., Australian National University
1979 - M.B., B.S., University of NSW, Sydney, Australia

Retired July 2020
2008-20 - Professor, MMI, OHSU
2004-08 - Associate Professor, MMI, OHSU
1996-04 - Assistant Professor, MMI, OHSU
1995 - Postdoctoral Fellowship, The Arthritis Foundation, MIT, Boston
1993 - The Royal Society Travelling Fellowship to Japan
1990-94 - Oxford Nuffield Dominions Medical Fellowship
1983-84 - Immunology Registrar, St. Vincents Hospital, Sydney
1979-82 - Resident Medical Officer, Sydney Hospital, Sydney, Australia


The Hill Lab investigated T cell immunity to viral infections. Their main interest was in herpesvirus immune evasion genes- how they functioned, and what effect this had on the immune response to the virus and the virus infective process. They used murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) as their main model.



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