Headshot photo of Hunter Jameson Poarch, M.D.

Hunter Jameson Poarch, M.D.

  • Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, School of Medicine


Dr. Hunter Poarch is a family physician who cares for patients of all ages, from diverse backgrounds and walks of life. He finds joy in partnering with his patients as they work toward improved physical and mental health. Teamwork (with patients, nurses, office staff, medical staff) is an important aspect of working in family medicine and Dr. Poarch thrives on these relationships.

Outside of work, Dr. Poarch enjoys spending time with friends and loved ones over a nice cup of coffee or a home-cooked meal. He and his wife (also a family medicine doctor) enjoy hiking, backpacking, and exploring new mountain biking trails. They both spent time working in a rural medical clinic in New Zealand where they were able to enjoy a taste of the farming life and explore the great outdoors.

Education and training

    • B.S., 2008, Pepperdine University
    • M.D., 2014, University of Virginia School of Medicine
  • Residency

    • OHSU
  • Certifications

    • American Board of Family Medicine, 2018

Memberships and associations:

  • American Academy of Family Physicians, Gold Humanism Honor Society
  • American Academy of Family Medicine


Elsevier pure profile


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