Headshot photo of Jessie Nethercote

Jessie Nethercote

  • Instructor of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, School of Medicine


Jessie is a Rolfing Practitioner. She trained at the Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration in Boulder, Colorado. Jessie is passionate about her work and how Rolfing can help patients find additional ease and comfort in their body. She continues to be curious about pain, movement, and holistic practices. Jessie is grateful to be a part of a team of integrative pain specialists so patients can experience optimal healing facilitation.

In her free time, Jessie enjoys hiking, finding new ways to tire out her dog (Otis), reading, exploring movement and cheering on the Portland Timbers and Thorns soccer teams. 

Education and training

    • B.A., 2012, Augustana College
  • Certifications

    • Board Certified Structural Integrator

Memberships and associations:

  • Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration



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