Headshot photo of Lisa Mann, RN, B.S.N., M.A.

Lisa Mann, RN, B.S.N., M.A.

  • Instructor of Neurology, School of Medicine
  • Education Director, OHSU Parkinson Center and Movement Disorders Program, School of Medicine


Lisa Mann is the Education Director and Team Care Coordinator for the OHSU Parkinson Center. Lisa earned her nursing degree from Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing in 2003. Prior to this she worked in business administration and also taught history at the college level.

Her position includes coordinating the operations of the movement disorders clinic, providing integrated support to patients and families, facilitating interdisciplinary care in the clinic and implementing community education and outreach programs for patients, families and health care professionals.

Lisa brings many skills to the Parkinson Center of Oregon through her extensive and diverse background in education, business, and nursing.

Education and training

    • M.A., 1991, University of Oregon
    • B.S.N., 2003, Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing



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