Patrick J. Worth, M.D., M.C.R., FACS, FSSO (he/him)

  • Assistant Professor of Surgery, Division of Gastrointestinal and General Surgery, School of Medicine
  • Surgeon-Scientist, Surgery, School of Medicine
  • OHSU Knight Cancer Institute, School of Medicine
  • Brenden-Colson Center for Pancreatic Care, School of Medicine
  • Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences, School of Medicine


Dr. Patrick Worth is a liver and pancreatic surgeon-scientist who spends time operating on and researching cancers of the pancreas, bile ducts, and liver. He came to the northwest for General Surgery training at OHSU after growing up in rural eastern Connecticut. In between, he studied Medical Anthropology at NYU and then went on to medical school at Brown. After completing his residency in Portland and becoming board-certified in General Surgery, he spent two years at Stanford doing advanced training in hepatobiliary & pancreatic surgery (liver, bile ducts, gallbladder, and pancreas).

Dr. Worth specializes in the treatment of benign and malignant diseases of the liver, pancreas, bile ducts, and GI tract. He has advanced specialty training in the management of these diseases from Stanford University, and has extensive experience utilizing laparoscopic and robotic platforms to perform these procedures.

Dr. Worth's lab studies how pancreatic cancer metastasis and recurrence are affected by surgery.  He is an inaugural recipient of the National Cancer Institute's Early-stage Surgeon Scientist Program Award and is a PI on a DOD Pancreatic Cancer Research Program Idea Development Award, partnering with his long-time mentor Rosie Sears and her lab.  He is a faculty member in the graduate school mentoring PhD students as well as residents in the General Surgery program.   

He is motivated by the unique challenges that pancreatic cancer poses and its unique properties and behaviors. He feels privileged to be able to spend his time studying and treating something that touches so many lives in such a devastating way, having lost his own grandmother to pancreatic cancer.

In addition to operating and research, he is active in the School of Medicine and loves teaching. He participates on a regional and national level advocating for LGBTQIA+ and under-represented providers and patients. He is the OHSU/Adventist Health Representative to the Dean's Academic Advisory Council.

Dr. Worth enjoys spending time cooking and being outdoors and traveling with his daughters and his husband. He is an avid reader and gardener and loves to ski. He especially enjoys the local and regional foods of the Pacific northwest and the amazing food scene in Portland. He continues to entertain the idea of running a marathon and enjoys woodworking.

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • B.A., 2007, New York University
    • M.D., 2011, Brown University
    • M.C.R., 2023, Oregon Health & Science University
  • Internship

    • General Surgery, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, 2011-2012
  • Residency

    • General Surgery, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, 2012-2017
  • Fellowship

    • Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Surgery, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 2017-2019
  • Certifications

    • American Board of Surgery - General Surgery (2017)

Memberships and associations:

  • Americas Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary Association (AHPBA)
  • International Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary Association (IHPBA)
  • The Pancreas Club
  • American College of Surgeons
  • American Pancreatic Association
  • Gold Humanism Honor Society
  • Brenden-Colson Center for Pancreatic Care
  • Society of Surgical Oncologists
  • Society for the Surgery of the Alimentary Tract
  • American Society of Clinical Oncology
  • Association of Academic Surgeons
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • North American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society
  • The Mackenzie Society
  • Pacific Coast Surgical Association
  • American Association for Cancer Research
  • Knight Cancer Institute - Cancer Biology
  • North Pacific Surgical Association

Areas of interest

  • Pancreatic cancer (advanced and borderline)
  • Complex pancreatitis
  • Minimally invasive (laparoscopic, robotic) liver & pancreas surgery
  • Translational and Basic Science
  • Hepatobiliary disease
  • Liver tumors
  • Bile duct tumors

Honors and awards

  • J. Englebert Dunphy Award for Outstanding Leadership, 2017
  • Donald D. Trunkey Award for Ethics & Professionalism, 2017
  • Kaiser Sunnyside Resident of the Year, 2016
  • Resident of the Year (HPB/Transplant Service), 2014
  • Intern of the Year (HPB/Transplant Service), 2012
  • Gold Humanism Honor Society, 2011
  • Eagle Scout, 2004


Elsevier pure profile


  • Ongoing replication stress tolerance and clonal T cell responses distinguish liver and lung recurrence and outcomes in pancreatic cancer

    Nature Cancer
    1. Jason M. Link
    2. Jennifer R. Eng
    3. Carl Pelz
    4. Kevin MacPherson-Hawthorne
    5. Patrick J. Worth
    6. Shamaline Sivagnanam
    7. Dove J. Keith
    8. Sydney Owen
    9. Ellen M. Langer
    10. Alison Grossblatt-Wait
    11. Gustavo Salgado-Garza
    12. Allison L. Creason
    13. Sara Protzek
    14. Julian Egger
    15. Hannah Holly
    16. Michael B. Heskett
    17. Koei Chin
    18. Nell Kirchberger
    19. Konjit Betre
    20. Elmar Bucher
    21. David Kilburn
    22. Zhi Hu
    23. Michael W. Munks
    24. Isabel A. English
    25. Motoyuki Tsuda
    26. Jeremy Goecks
    27. Emek Demir
    28. Andrew C. Adey
    29. Adel Kardosh
    30. Charles D. Lopez
    31. Brett C. Sheppard
    32. Alex Guimaraes
    33. Brian Brinkerhoff
    34. Terry K. Morgan
    35. Gordon B. Mills
    36. Lisa M. Coussens
    37. Jonathan R. Brody
    38. Rosalie C. Sears
  • Minimally invasive umbilical hernia repair is safe for patients with liver dysfunction

    Surgery (United States)
    1. Gustavo Salgado-Garza
    2. Ranish K. Patel
    3. Erin W. Gilbert
    4. Brett C. Sheppard
    5. Patrick J. Worth
  • Postoperative outcomes and costs of laparoscopic versus robotic distal pancreatectomy

    Surgical endoscopy
    1. Hester C. Timmerhuis
    2. Christopher W. Jensen
    3. Rejoice F. Ngongoni
    4. Michael Baiocchi
    5. Jonathan C. DeLong
    6. Rika Ohkuma
    7. Monica M. Dua
    8. Jeffrey A. Norton
    9. George A. Poultsides
    10. Patrick J. Worth
    11. Brendan C. Visser
  • Rapid metastatic recurrence after pancreatic cancer resection

    1. Ranish K. Patel
    2. Gustavo Salgado-Garza
    3. Thomas L. Sutton
    4. Jackie L. Phipps
    5. Pavlos Papavasiliou
    6. Jon M. Gerry
    7. Alicia J. Johnson
    8. Flavio G. Rocha
    9. Brett C. Sheppard
    10. Patrick J. Worth

    Annals of surgery
    1. Jon M. Harrison
    2. Heather Day
    3. Katherine Arnow
    4. R. Fari Ngongoni
    5. Abel Joseph
    6. Taylor Aldridge
    7. Kristan J. Wheeler
    8. Jon C. DeLong
    9. Jay R. Bergquist
    10. Patrick J. Worth
    11. Monica M. Dua
    12. Shai Friedland
    13. Walter Park
    14. Samer Eldika
    15. Joo Ha Hwang
    16. Brendan C. Visser
  • Comparison of Spleen-Preservation Versus Splenectomy in Minimally Invasive Distal Pancreatectomy

    Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
    1. Hester C. Timmerhuis
    2. Rejoice F. Ngongoni
    3. Christopher W. Jensen
    4. Michael Baiocchi
    5. Jonathan C. DeLong
    6. Monica M. Dua
    7. Jeffrey A. Norton
    8. George A. Poultsides
    9. Patrick J. Worth
    10. Brendan C. Visser
  • Clinical features and postoperative survival in patients with sporadic versus multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1-related pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors

    Surgery (United States)
    1. John R. Bergquist
    2. Omair A. Shariq
    3. Amy Y. Li
    4. Patrick J. Worth
    5. Nikolaos Chatzizacharias
    6. Zahir Soonawalla
    7. Panagiotis Athanasopoulos
    8. Christos Toumpanakis
    9. Paul Hansen
    10. Rowan W. Parks
    11. Saxon Connor
    12. Kate Parker
    13. Jonathan Koea
    14. Sanket Srinivasa
    15. Benedetto Ielpo
    16. Emilio Vicente Lopez
    17. Jeffrey A. Norton
    18. Ben Lawrence
    19. Brendan C. Visser
  • Similar Outcomes in Minimally Invasive versus Open Management of Primary Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors

    1. Thomas L. Sutton
    2. Rodney F. Pommier
    3. Skye C. Mayo
    4. Erin W. Gilbert
    5. Pavlos Papavasiliou
    6. Michele Babicky
    7. Jon Gerry
    8. Brett C. Sheppard
    9. Patrick J. Worth
  • Evaluation of Outcomes Following Surgery for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors

    JAMA Network Open
    1. Ashley L. Titan
    2. Jeffrey A. Norton
    3. Andrea T. Fisher
    4. Deshka S. Foster
    5. E. John Harris
    6. David J. Worhunsky
    7. Patrick J. Worth
    8. Monica M. Dua
    9. Brendan C. Visser
    10. George A. Poultsides
    11. Michael T. Longaker
    12. Robert T. Jensen
  • Management of Ileal Neuroendocrine Tumors with Liver Metastases

    Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
    1. Andrea T. Fisher
    2. Ashley L. Titan
    3. Deshka S. Foster
    4. Patrick J. Worth
    5. George A. Poultsides
    6. Brendan C. Visser
    7. Monica M. Dua
    8. Jeffrey A. Norton
  • Minimally invasive options for gastrointestinal stromal tumors of the stomach

    Surgical endoscopy
    1. Laura Mazer
    2. Patrick Worth
    3. Brendan Visser
  • Neoadjuvant Capecitabine/Temozolomide for Locally Advanced or Metastatic Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors

    1. Malcolm H. Squires
    2. Patrick J. Worth
    3. Bhavana Konda
    4. Manisha H. Shah
    5. Mary E. Dillhoff
    6. Sherif Abdel-Misih
    7. Jeffrey A. Norton
    8. Brendan C. Visser
    9. Monica Dua
    10. Timothy M. Pawlik
    11. Carl R. Schmidt
    12. George Poultsides
    13. Jordan M. Cloyd
  • Pancreatic grade 3 neuroendocrine tumors behave similarly to neuroendocrine carcinomas following resection

    1. Patrick J. Worth
    2. Julie Leal
    3. Qian Ding
    4. Amber Trickey
    5. Monica M. Dua
    6. Nikolaos Chatzizacharias
    7. Zahir Soonawalla
    8. Panagiotis Athanasopoulos
    9. Christos Toumpanakis
    10. Paul Hansen
    11. Rowan W. Parks
    12. Saxon Connor
    13. Kate Parker
    14. Jonathan Koea
    15. Sanket Srinavasa
    16. Benedetto Ielpo
    17. Emilio Vicente Lopez
    18. Benjamin Lawrence
    19. Brendan C. Visser
  • Isolated pancreatic tail remnants after transgastric necrosectomy can be observed

    Journal of Surgical Research
    1. Monica M. Dua
    2. Christopher W. Jensen
    3. Shai Friedland
    4. Patrick J. Worth
    5. George A. Poultsides
    6. Jeffrey A. Norton
    7. Walter G. Park
    8. Brendan C. Visser
  • Monitoring gastric myoelectric activity after pancreaticoduodenectomy for diet “readiness”

    American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
    1. Monica M. Dua
    2. Anand Navalgund
    3. Steve Axelrod
    4. Lindsay Axelrod
    5. Patrick J. Worth
    6. Jeffrey A. Norton
    7. George A. Poultsides
    8. George Triadafilopoulos
    9. Brendan C. Visser
  • MYC regulates ductal-neuroendocrine lineage plasticity in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma associated with poor outcome and chemoresistance

    Nature communications
    1. Amy S. Farrell
    2. Meghan Morrison Joly
    3. Brittany L. Allen-Petersen
    4. Patrick J. Worth
    5. Christian Lanciault
    6. David Sauer
    7. Jason Link
    8. Carl Pelz
    9. Laura M. Heiser
    10. Jennifer P. Morton
    11. Nathiya Muthalagu
    12. Megan T. Hoffman
    13. Sara L. Manning
    14. Erica D. Pratt
    15. Nicholas D. Kendsersky
    16. Nkolika Egbukichi
    17. Taylor S. Amery
    18. Mary C. Thoma
    19. Zina P. Jenny
    20. Andrew D. Rhim
    21. Daniel J. Murphy
    22. Owen J. Sansom
    23. Howard C. Crawford
    24. Brett C. Sheppard
    25. Rosalie C. Sears
  • Major bile duct injury requiring operative reconstruction after laparoscopic cholecystectomy

    Surgical endoscopy
    1. Patrick J. Worth
    2. Taranjeet Kaur
    3. Brian S. Diggs
    4. Brett C. Sheppard
    5. John G. Hunter
    6. James Dolan
  • Characteristics predicting clinical improvement and cure following laparoscopic adrenalectomy for primary aldosteronism in a large cohort

    American journal of surgery
    1. Patrick J. Worth
    2. Nicholas R. Kunio
    3. Issac Siegfried
    4. Brett C. Sheppard
    5. Erin W. Gilbert
  • Migration of retained right ventricular epicardial pacing wire into the pulmonary artery

    Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
    1. Patrick J. Worth
    2. Patrick Conklin
    3. Ethan Prince
    4. Arun K. Singh
  • Disruption of interleukin-1 signaling improves the quality of wound healing

    American Journal of Pathology
    1. Alan A. Thomay
    2. Jean M. Daley
    3. Edmond Sabo
    4. Patrick J. Worth
    5. Leslie J. Shelton
    6. Mark W. Harty
    7. Jonathan S. Reichner
    8. Jorge E. Albina