Headshot photo of Sienna Nelson, M.D.

Sienna Nelson, M.D.

  • Resident physician, Family Medicine, School of Medicine


Dr. Sienna Nelson loves family medicine because of its emphasis on addressing people's physical health in context with their socioeconomic and cultural lives. She has special interests in LGBTQ health and reproductive health. She is a gender-affirming provider. 

While attending medical school in Memphis, Dr. Nelson observed stark racial and class disparities in health care. She also saw how doctors and medical institutions often fail to acknowledge the effect of systemic oppression on population health.

Dr. Nelson was raised by a family medicine doctor and a biochemist in Memphis, Tennessee. She grew up loving the performing arts and spent time in ballet, choirs, orchestras and theater productions. Beginning in high school, she accompanied her mother on many medical service trips to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, which put her on the path to medicine. Working with people in Haiti taught Dr. Nelson the importance of authentic, long-term relationships. It also inspired her to study Haitian Creole, French and international development.

When she's not working, Dr. Nelson spends time with her partner, Angelo, and their dog and cat, Merlin and Motoko. She has been described as nerdy and loves science fiction and fantasy literature. She can also occasionally be found putting her musical theatre degree to use at karaoke.

Education and training

    • B.A., 2015, Tulane University
    • M.D., 2019, University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine
  • Residency

    • OHSU Family Medicine



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