OHSU Crime Reporting
To report a crime
All criminal incidents, accidents and other emergencies at OHSU should be reported as soon as possible to the Department of Public Safety. Prompt reporting aids our Police Officers in the investigation and apprehension of perpetrators and ensures resources are placed where they are most needed.
Incidents can be reported by coming to Public Safety's main office or calling 503-494-7744 (on campus non-emergency) or 503-494-4444 (on campus emergency) or 911 (off campus emergency). These phone numbers are staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. be sure to save them on your mobile phone.
Emergency phones have been placed throughout the campuses for your use. If you are unable to speak, simply push the button and an officer will be dispatched to your location.
Sex Offence Reporting & Information
OHSU prohibits the offenses of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking which are crimes under the federal Clery Act and Oregon State Statutes. If you are the victim of a sexual offense, it is imperative that you file a report as soon as possible with the Department of Public Safety or the Portland Police Bureau. Call 503-494-4444 on campus or 911 off campus.
Under Oregon State law, sex offender information can be obtained through the Oregon State Police Sex Offender Registration Information Line at 503-378-3725 ext. 4429. Requestors can access sex offender information by name, address, zip code, or county.
Sexual Harassment
Definition: Sexual harassment is defined as sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when (1) submission to such conduct is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of an individual's employment or academic experience, or (2) submission to or rejection of of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for any employment or academic decision; or (3) the conduct is unwelcome and sufficiently severe or pervasive that it has the effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
Ask Yourself:
- Have you been offered better grades in exchange for sexual favors?
- Have you felt singled out or belittled in class because of gender?
- Has a supervisor or teacher touched you in a way that made you uncomfortable?
- Are sexually offensive language or jokes used in your work place?
If you answered yes, you may be a victim of sexual harassment. There is help and support.
Retaliatory Actions:
Sexual harassment complaints often heighten feelings of distress and engender adversarial attitudes. Under these conditions, any interaction between parties in a grievance may be perceived as retaliatory or motivated by ill will. University administrative rules prohibit retaliatory actions against individuals in response to filing sexual harassment grievances or participating in any manner in an investigation. A claim that a detrimental action is retaliatory is established by proof that (1) the complaining party participated in any manner in a sexual harassment grievance or investigation; (2) retaliation occurred; and (3) there was a causal connection between participation in the grievance or investigation and the retaliation.
For information, confidential support and referral please contact the Office of Civil Rights Investigations and Compliance by phone 503-494-5148 or email ocic@ohsu.edu.

Crime statistics
Annual Security Report
2023 Clery Act Annual Security Report
OHSU has a workforce and student population in excess of 14,000. OHSU Hospitals, Trauma Centers and Clinics experience more than 500,000 visits from patients and visitors each year.
Located in the West Hills area of downtown Portland with direct access to major interstate and transit systems, OHSU experiences the same type of law enforcement and first responder calls as any other part of the Portland Metropolitan area.
Crimes are reported directly to the Department of Public Safety and police officers respond on a 24-hour basis. Portland Police Bureau may be called for assistance on Marquam Hill and the South Waterfront. The Hillsboro Police Department assists when needed at West Campus.
Public Safety considers the security and safety of all persons at all locations a priority and, in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Police and Campus Crime Statistics Act, furnishes crime statistics in an effort to provide accurate, complete and timely information about safety on campuses.
Campus Crime Log
Details of reporting crimes are documented by Public Safety in the Campus Crime Log. Included are the date and time of the report, the date and time of the occurrence, the incident type, the general location, the case number and the disposition. Please refer to the key for a description of Campus Crime Log entry dispositions.
A digital copy of the Daily Crime Log can be viewed in person directly outside the entrance to Public Safety's main office in the Physical Plant Building, located at 3310 SW US Veterans Hospital Rd., Portland, OR 97239. To request a copy of the crime report, document the case number and submit your request at ohsu.nextrequest.com.