Safety on Campus
Be safe on campus
Stay Safe Walking
Be safe walking on campus during late or early hours:
- Use well-lit paths and avoid shortcuts
- Be aware and notice those around you
- Check the locations of emergency telephones along your route
- Carry a cell phone for emergencies; program emergency numbers into speed dial
- Wear reflective clothing for visibility
Learn Oregon crosswalk safety laws for drivers and pedestrians
Stay Safe at Work
- Adopt sign-in policies for visitors, implement office access controls and install good lighting
- Attend safety training and use what you learn
- Confirm the identity of unfamiliar people in your area; report unusual and worrisome behavior
- Be sure to read, understand and use company policies
- Encourage a culture of mutual respect and inclusion
Avoid Bicycle Theft
- Lock your bike! It only takes a moment to steal an unlocked bicycle
- A Kryptonite U-shaped lock is best; cables and padlocks can be cut easily
- Lock your bicycle frame to a bike rack or other secure object; front wheels can be easily removed
Increase your awareness of bike and riding safety
Avoid Vehicle Theft
- Never leave your vehicle unlocked, your windows down or the keys in the ignition
- Never leave spare keys in your vehicle or in known "hiding" spots; store spare keys in your wallet or purse
- Never leave your vehicle running unattended
- Keep valuables out of sight; lock them in a trunk or store them under your seats
- Always keep your personal belongings in your possession; don't leave them unattended - even for a second
- Report vehicle alarms to Public Safety
Safety escorts
The safety and security of our students, patients, employees, and guests is a priority. On Marquam Hill and the South Waterfront, Public Safety offers safety escorts for members of the OHSU community who may have to travel alone on campus, in isolated areas after dark. If you feel threatened or unsafe walking across campus to your office or vehicle, consider your options before taking off alone.
During evening or early morning hours, our officers may be able to offer you a safety escort to other on-campus locations. This courtesy service is provided to the University community and is based on the availability of on-duty personnel. We encourage alternatives as a first choice, but we will do our best to help if those are not available to you. Call 503 494-7744 and dial zero for information and availability.
Stay Safe
- Don't walk alone in the dark
- Always be on alert
- Carry identification
- Stay in well-lit areas
- Avoid alleys and dark doorways
- Know where emergency telephones are located
- Use transit system or a cab
- Let others know where you are, where you are going and when you will be home

For more information on how to be safe on campus or our safety services, please email
Crime prevention
The most effective weapons against crime are common sense, staying alert and taking a few basic precautions. While on campus, notice the location of campus emergency phones. You need only to push one button for instant communication with a Public Safety Dispatcher. Public Safety is available to review physical security concerns (locks, doors, access control, parking areas, lighting, etc.), personal security concerns, and any other topic related to the safety and security of our community.
Personal Protection
- If you work late, arrange to leave with a co-worker or call Public Safety for assistance
- Refrain from getting in elevators with people who look out of place or behave strangely; report them to Public Safety
- If you feel you're being followed, go to an office where there are other people
- When walking to your car or home from work, vary your route
- Be alert to any suspicious persons or vehicles
- Carry a fully-charge cell phone with emergency numbers pre-programed into the device
In a Threatening Situation
- The best defense is avoidance and to follow your instincts
- Decide what you will do in various situations before they occur; role play with a friend
- If you are confronted by someone who only wants property, give it to them
- Try to get an accurate description of assailant; if a vehicle is involved, get the license number and call Public Safety
Office Security
- Keep your purse, wallet or other valuables with you at all times or lock them in a drawer or closet
- Never leave your keys lying around
- Cash left on your desk or in an unlocked drawer is a great temptation to thieves
Keys/ID Badge
- Wear your ID badge at all times
- If you are responsible for office keys, don't leave them on your desk or in the top drawer where they could easily be taken or copied
- When an employee leaves OHSU, collect their ID badge and keys and turn these in at the Transportation and Parking Customer Service Desk
Property Protection
- Property theft and damage is the most common crime on campus
- Engrave personal property, such as a coffee pot, radio or calculator with your Oregon Driver's License number, like this: OR123456DL
- Keep a written record of all personal valuables including descriptions and serial numbers as evidence the property is yours