World Class to Second Class? Acting Now to Address Existential Threats

Monday, May 6, 12 noon | Research Week Online Keynote | View the recording

Mary Woolley
President, Research!America

Misinformation and disinformation in science -- and yes there is a difference -- is all-too prevalent, contributing to erosion of public trust in science. In her Research Week keynote address, Research!America President and CEO Mary Woolley will discuss how researchers play a vital role in driving public trust. She will also provide a landscape review of the funding and policy challenges facing the research enterprise, including growing global competition, and suggest an action agenda.  

Mary Woolley is the president of Research!America, an alliance that advocates for science, discovery, and innovation to achieve better health for all. Under her leadership, Research!America has earned the attention and respect of elected and appointed officials, researchers in the public, private and academic sectors, media, and community leaders with its record of innovation in advocacy for research. Research!America’s reports and publications, Web sites, and constituent education initiatives have been honored by leading regional and international communications and advocacy organizations.

A native of Chicago, Woolley received a bachelor of science from Stanford University and a master of arts from San Francisco State University. In her early career, Woolley served as San Francisco project director for the then largest-ever NIH-funded clinical trial, the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial (MRFIT). In 1981, she became administrator of the Medical Research Institute of San Francisco, and in 1986 was named the Institute’s executive director and CEO. Woolley has served as president and CEO of Research!America since 1990.

Questions about Research Week? Contact Kate Stout.

2024 Agenda



  • Students' Choice Keynote
  • Students Professional Development Special Events
  • Portraits (appointments full)
  • Oral Presentations (view the presenters and times)



  • Innovation Day
  • Neurology Research Day
  • Department of Pediatrics Trainee Research Night


9 - 10:30 a.m. | Oral Session: Cancer 1 | Old Library 211

9 - 10:30 a.m. | Oral Session: Heart Lung Blood 1 | Old Library 221

10:30 - 11:45 a.m. | Oral Session: Immunology | Old Library 217

10 a.m. - 12 noon | Student Workshop: CV Reviewing with Women in Science PDX | BICC 124

Research Week Keynote

Mary Woolley

12 noon - 1 p.m. | World Class to Second Class? Acting Now to Address Existential Threats

Mary Woolley
President, Research!America

Misinformation and disinformation in science -- and yes there is a difference -- is all-too prevalent, contributing to erosion of public trust in science. In her Research Week keynote address, Research!America President and CEO Mary Woolley will discuss how researchers play a vital role in driving public trust. She will also provide a landscape review of the funding and policy challenges facing the research enterprise, including growing global competition, and suggest an action agenda.  

1:30 - 3 p.m. | Oral Session: Digital Health | Old Library 211

2 - 4 p.m. | Oral Session: Neuroscience | Old Library 217

2:30 - 4 p.m. | Oral Session: Surgery 1 | Old Library 221

2:30 - 4 p.m. | Clinical Research Meet and Greet | Old Library Great Hall

Join us in person to meet staff from central offices, network with one another and connect within the clinical research community. This will be a drop-in event with some small fun activities, light refreshments and representatives from offices including: the OHSU IRB, OCTRI, CRSO, Knight Cancer Institute.

3 - 4:30 p.m. | Matarazzo Lecture Series: Evaluating and learning from rewards | Doernbecher Vey Conference Center

Patricia Janak, Ph.D., Bloomberg Distinguished Professor at John Hopkins School of Medicine, will present the 2024 Matarazzo Lecture hosted by the OHSU Department of Behavioral Neuroscience.

Opening Reception and Poster Sessions

4 - 5 p.m. | Session One | BICC Library

4:30 p.m. | Welcome remarks from Peter Barr-Gillspie, Chief Research Officer | BICC Library

5:30 - 6:30 p.m. | Session Two | BICC Library