Klingenstein Third Generation Foundation Medical Student Fellowship Program in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Since 2002, the Klingenstein Third Generation Foundation (KTGF) has funded a network of medical schools to administer the Klingenstein Medical Student Fellowship Program.  This program exposes medical students to children’s mental health research, treatment and advocacy and encourages students to explore careers in child and adolescent psychiatry.  Recent research on the program has found it enhances medical student’s knowledge and career perceptions of child and adolescent psychiatry and increases their match rates in general psychiatry residency programs.

OHSU was selected as a site for the KTGF Medical Student Fellowship Program in 2024, one of now 16 medical schools across the country who participate in this program.

The OHSU KTGF Medical Student Fellowship Program is open to all OHSU medical students of any year who may be interested in exploring the field of child psychiatry. Our program is designed to be inclusive and flexible in order to accommodate students’ interests, goals, and schedules, and any medical student with an interest in better understanding youth mental health is encouraged to become a KTGF fellow. The fellowship offers a range of optional educational opportunities that can include individual mentorship as well as exposure to clinical experiences, teaching, research, or advocacy. OHSU KTGF fellows will have the opportunity to take on meaningful leadership roles and to work alongside OHSU child psychiatry faculty to shape the KTGF fellowship program.

On a national level, OHSU KTGF fellows are invited to participate in the KTGF Annual National Medical Student Fellowship Conference. This conference allows medical students the opportunity to network with their peers, present their research and clinical projects, and learn about child psychiatry from experienced mentors. Conference travel funding is available for some OHSU KTGF fellows each year.

Learn more about the KTGF at OHSU and become a KTGF fellow here or contact OHSU KTGF Program Director, Dr. Karen Bos