Past Projects

PRTFs are secure, staffed facilities that provide mental health treatment services to youth with qualifying needs. These programs are accessed through a referral process from a variety of sources, primarily hospitals and mental health providers. PRTF programs provide 24-hour care which includes crisis intervention support, individual, family, and group therapy, psychiatric assessment and treatment, school instruction, and nursing services.

The DAETA Team is collecting PRTF referral data to monitor facility capacity, identify barriers in access, and evaluate equity in referrals and admissions.

For more information, please visit the following links:

Funder: Oregon Health Authority

Crisis and Transition Services (CATS)

CATS was the program that launched our work in 2017 with OHA and community partners. CATS provided transitional crisis and stabilization care for youth in mental health crisis. The DAETA Team developed a data system to track youth and program outcomes and to help inform program improvements. CATS created a new option for youth and families in crisis, and fostered community collaboration to improve crisis care for youth and families. 

In January 2023, CATS was replaced by Stabilization Services (SS), which is service for youth and families provided in Oregon's statewide Mobile Crisis Intervention Services continuum. CATS was instrumental to the development and launch of this new statewide program. In June 2023, a final report, which chronicles the project, was published.

For more information, please visit the following links: