Sustaining a high quality training program requires a great deal of resources. To ensure a bright future in emergency medicine education and research, we have established the John C. Moorhead Emergency Medicine Endowment Fund and the Jerris R. Hedges Emergency Medicine Endowment Fund . Our goal is to raise funds to the Endowed Professorship level to honor the many contributions that these two esteemed past Chairs have made nationally to Emergency Medicine.
As we continue to raise funds towards our Endowed Professorships, we will support education and research grants for faculty members and provide educational materials for our residents. To date, our department has awarded 10 junior faculty grants over the past five years from the Jerris R. Hedges and John C. Moorhead Emergency Medicine Endowment Funds, which have supported innovative projects such as:
- Improving CPR Quality through technology, education, and research (Laerdal Q-CPR High Fidelity CPR system) - Joshua Kornegay, M.D.
- Intravenous Sodium Valproate for Abortive Migraine Management in the Pediatric Emergency Department - David Sheridan, M.D.
- Inappropriate Prescribing of Opiates - Bory Kea, M.D.
- Quick Brain MRI use for shunt evaluation in the Pediatric Emergency Department compared to the current standard, brain CT - Esther Yue, M.D.
- Understanding Medical Student Perceptions of High-Fidelity Simulation: A Qualitative Study - Simran Vahali, M.D.
- Qualitative analysis of communication between physicians and nurses in the emergency department - David Jones, M.D.
- A Novel Integrated Learning Approach for Pre-Clinical Medical Students through Early Procedural Exposure and Simulation - Becky Tuttle, M.D.
Learn more about the Jerris R. Hedges Endowment Fund
Learn more about the John C. Moorhead Endowment Fund
In addition to our endowment funds, we are raising funds for several additional initiatives in support of our research, education and clinical missions:
This fund, championed by our physicians, bridges the gap for those patients who might otherwise be unable to obtain necessary medications in the immediate wake of their emergency care. The ED Prescription Assistance Fund offers short-term relief to patients in need until they can receive appropriate follow-up care. Nearly $38,000 has been spent since inception in providing prescription assistance to hundreds of patients.
In honor of a pioneer in Emergency Medical Services, Keith Neely, this fund supports EMS research including paramedic education in research techniques and health care policy for pre-hospital care.
By enhancing elements of our core curriculum and funding resident-driven research projects, this fund cultivates a broader commitment to our mission of research, education, and patient care among our residents.
There are many projects to be done in emergency medicine research that don't have specific funding sources. This fund jumpstarts such developmental projects and in so doing, paves the way for future research.
This fund supports our global health fellowship, making possible specific international global health mission trips, as well as participation in national and international conferences on global health.
For more information about any of the above opportunities you can contact Mirjana Trifunovic at (503) 494-4322 or