Emergency Medicine

Medical Toxicology Fellowship Rotations

Several rotations are planned during the fellowship to further the fellow's depth and breadth of knowledge in medical toxicology.

Clinical Pharmacokinetics

This ELECTIVE course offered by the Oregon State University (OSU) College of Pharmacy on the OHSU campus. PHARM 737 (PharmaCSI) meets in the Spring and uses real case scenarios to provide a core basis in pharmacology, as well as pharmacokinetic modeling. This is intended to enhance the education on pharmacokinetics from July/August and to increase fellows’ ability to perform pharmacokinetic modeling.

Human Investigations Certificate

This ELECTIVE one-year program meets regularly in the fall and spring and is open only to faculty and fellows. It covers the topics of research, experimental design, statistics, research ethics, grant writing, data analysis, computer applications in data analysis, and other areas required to pursue a research career. Our first year fellows may elect to take the Human Investigation Program's one-year course on clinical study design.

Education Scholars Program

The Education Scholars Program is an ELECTIVE longitudinal faculty development program that runs from September to June over one year. It provides instruction on applying educational concepts and teaching strategies to the clinical environment. The class meets once a week for two hours.

Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Several courses are offered within the Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine of the OHSU School of Medicine, which is housed in the same building as the Oregon Poison Center. While it is possible to apply to the full MPH program, most fellows choose selected courses within the Department of Public Health.

Clinical Laboratory

Our fellows learn the details of clinical laboratory testing by attending the Clinical Laboratory lecture series given by the Director of the OHSU Clinical Lab to the Clinical Pathology residents.

Addiction Toxicology

An elective on the IMPACT addiction medicine inpatient team is available for all medical toxicology fellows as an ELECTIVE to improve their skills in buprenorphine induction, micro induction, etc. Fellows typically do 1- to 2-week rotations with the team.

Additional Training

Our second year fellows get to choose a conference or experience of their choice that is funded by our fellowship. The intent of this program is for a fellow to develop a niche or to obtain additional training in an area that they would like to purse in their future. Examples of training experiences that may be chosen are hyperbarics training courses, Medical Review Officer training, training at FEMA in disaster management, Venom Week, and Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site (REAC/TS) training in radiological emergencies.