Tuition and Financial Aid

Tuition, Fees and Financial Considerations

Program tuition and university fees are determined by the Program Director in consultation with the Provost and are approved by the OHSU Board of Directors. Projected Program tuition and university fees are published in the application materials provided by the Program. Actual tuition and fees assessed will be based on the OHSU estimated cost of attendance and may be different from those published in the application materials. Tuition is capped at the cost for 9 credit hours. Any additional credit hours taken beyond the initial 9 within the same term will not incur extra tuition fees.

All students are required to carry a disability insurance policy negotiated by the Program on their behalf. Because the premium is negotiated based on the participation of all students, there will be no exceptions to this policy. Program tuition covers the cost of the disability insurance.

Full payment of Program tuition and university fees is required by the due date listed on your e-bill.

In addition to Program tuition and university fees, students are solely responsible for the following costs:

  1. Required and recommended textbooks. Booklists, specific to each year, will be distributed and contain a list of required textbooks. Recommended and/or reference texts are not required.
  2. Required clothing and equipment, e.g., lab coats, stethoscopes.
  3. Health insurance: All registered and enrolled students are required to carry both major medical and dental insurance policies at all times. Students will be charged for the OHSU sponsored health insurance plan, unless they are covered under a comparable major medical, or dental insurance plan that meets all the OHSU waiver requirements and have waived out of the OHSU sponsored health insurance plan within the waiver period. Students may apply for a waiver through Student Health and Wellness (SHW) before the deadline. Visit the SHW website for information and forms. Students MUST notify the program and student insurance office of loss of privately held insurance and are required to pick-up coverage through OHSU.
  4. Unless otherwise specified, room and board, both while in attendance at OHSU and during clinical rotations.
    1.  OHSU has a centralized Office of Learner Placement and Housing that coordinates housing for all students assigned to clinical rotations in hub sites and non-commutable sites outside metropolitan Portland (typically defined as greater than 45 miles outside of the Portland). However, the Program will not assist with housing in any student-requested non-hub or out-of-state rotations except in exceptional circumstances.
    2. Students may choose to arrange their own housing at their own expense for assigned rotations, so long as the housing meets the requirements outlined in OHSU Policy 02-90- 030, Housing for Community Based Rotations and the procedures developed by the OHSU Office of Learner Placement and Housing. However, if a student requests housing and subsequently changes their mind or leaves the provided housing, the student may be responsible for the housing costs incurred by the Program.
    3. Insurance: Neither the Program nor OHSU maintains insurance to cover the loss of any student personal property. The Program requires that students maintain a renter’s (or tenant’s) policy to cover potential personal property loss during the clinical year. Students are not provided liability coverage for any of their actions as occupants of OHSU coordinated housing and therefore are not covered for any liability claim or lawsuit that might result from such actions. Questions regarding insurance or risk management issues should be referred to the OHSU Risk Management Office.
  5. The required laptop computer, internet service provider, smartphone, and software.
  6. Transportation, both while in attendance at OHSU, and to and from clinical experiences during the didactic year and clinical rotations.
  7. Parking costs and fines.
  8. Pagers, cell phones, and associated service fees. The Program may arrange and pay for student pagers for student use on certain clinical rotations. Students are solely responsible for Program provided pagers and must return them in good working condition at the end of the rotation. A student who damages, loses, or does not return a pager will be financially responsible for its replacement cost, and will not receive their degree until the Program has been reimbursed.
  9. Certification (NCCPA testing fees) and licensing fees upon completion of the Program.
  10. Membership dues: American Academy of Physician Assistants, Oregon Society of Physician Assistants, etc.
  11. All other incidental expenses, regardless of their applicability to the Program.
  12. Students are required to cover all drug testing costs beginning prior to matriculation and subsequent costs for cause or when required for hospital privileges during the clinical phase.

Office of Financial Aid

Financial Aid is arranged through the Financial Aid Office at (503)494-7800 or

Veteran's Assistance may require a record of attendance for academic/clinic instruction on a monthly basis. Forms are available in the Registrar's Office. The OHSU Office of Financial aid has dedicated staff to assist students and can provide financial counseling. Each OHSU PA student will n educational debt counseling and financial management programming. One-on-one advising is also available to current, prospective, and newly admitted students.

Refund Policy

Refunds may be granted to students in accordance with the Academic Tuition and Fees Refund Schedule as detailed in the Academic Calendar found on the Office of the Registrar Tuition and Fees page. Notification of withdrawal or cancellation and request for refund must be in writing and addressed to the Registrar. An appeals process is available for students who believe that their circumstances warrant exceptions to the published policy.


Students are encouraged to consider applying for a variety of scholarships. Please refer to our scholarships page for additional information.