
We published a paper, an OpEd and are standing up for science!

March 2025

Bella, Lauren, Tim and Jonathan wrote an OpEd in the Portland business journal to draw attention to the impacts cuts of science funding will have on all Oregonians. It was signed by over 450 OHSU researchers!

Bella was also one of the organizers of the stand up for science 2025 rally in Salem Oregon (in her spare time) . The lab took some time out of their busy work day to advocate for science funding and diversity in science!

A week later, our paper on the role of tuft cells in defense against bacterial pathogens in the small intestine was published in JEM. Congratulations to first authors Madeline and Ankit!!  

Congratulations Ankit!

January 2025

We are starting the year with celebrating Ankit, who received the IRACDA postdoctoral fellowship!! This is a great mechanism that does not only reward scientific excellence, but also potential for teaching. 


October 2024

We went on an outing with the Pruneda lab to go roller skating together! Some brave souls tried it for the first time, and received a lot of encouragement and advice from the more experienced skaters. No broken bones, but some sore muscles the next day!!

Hugh and Marin and our interns make us proud!

August 2024

Hugh passed his qualifying exam with flying colors and Marin secured a spot on our departmental training grant. Congratulations to both! We celebrated at the FC Thorns game vs Seattle (they won!)

Our summer interns Mahea and Jing finished their great work in the lab with a poster presentation of their results. Great job!

Promotion, awards, and a lot of travel!

July 2024

July brought Bella's promotion to associate Professor, a young investigator award by the society of mucosal Immunology, and a trip to the ICMI conference in Copenhagen for Bella, Marin and Alexis. 

The Rauch Lab turns 5!

February 2024

It's a new year, and the Rauch lab is 5 years old. Great reason to have a party!!

Alexis and Madeline make us proud

September 2023

After 3 years in the Lund lab, and another 3 in the Rauch Lab, Madeline gave an outstanding presentation that wove together her projects in both labs, and defended her thesis expertly. Congratulations Dr. Churchill!!  

Another Rauch Lab highlight was the announcement that Alexis received the HHMI Hannah Grey fellowship, an amazing achievement! This fellowship will not only fund her time in the Rauch Lab but also her own independent group once she starts it.

Welcome Hugh, Ankit and Calista!!

August 2023

The Rauch Lab did a growth spurt! We are excited to have graduate student Hugh, a transplant from the Brooke Napier lab, postdoc Ankit, who comes to us with inflammasome expertise from the esteemed Kanneganti group, and Calista, who is excited to get back into hands on science as an RA2 after teaching !

Marin renews training grant, Paper submitted, Megan starts

June 2023

Marin has been awarded a second year on her Ruth L Kirschstein T32 PBMS training grant!!! Congratulations!!

We submitted Madelines tuft cell paper! You can already check out the preprint 

Finally, we are excited to have Megan in the lab this summer via the equity research program. Welcome!!


January-March 2023

It's that time of the year again! Sofiya joined us for a rotation in January, Shun-Je will be in the lab in March and Xammy, who's in the MD-PhD program will rotate mid-March to mid-April. Sofiya was off to a great start, working with Madeline on tuft cell experiments. We went to have margaritas for end of rotation celebrations, which seems to become a tradition.

Alexis gets a fellowship! Gingerbread time

December 2021

We are every proud to report that Alexis got the Cancer Research Institute postdoctoral fellowship for her work on epithelial cell extrusion mechanisms awarded. To celebrate, we had margaritas, and Alexis surprised us all with matching headbands she had crocheted.

For our holiday party, we made gingerbread houses, which where very stable due to lots of frosting used but still did not survive for very long....

For the new year, we are excited about more great science and hosting rotation students in the lab.

Retreat! Madeline wins an award! Halloween!

October 2022

After 2 years of hiatus MMI finally had an in person retreat again! It was great fun and full of fantastic science. Alexis gave an excellent talk, Marin presented a beautiful poster and Madeline won the 2022 Sears Microbiology Fellowship Award! Congratulations!!

As is tradition already , we also carved pumpkins with the Pruneda lab again. New this year, we did a lab halloween costume! Our ambition is to convince the whole department next year... 

The Rauch Lab visits ICMI

July 2022

Bella gave a lecture on mucosal immune sensing for the "principals of mucosal immunology" course at the International Congress of Mucosal Immunology and Alexis presented a poster; more exactly, Madelines poster, as unfortunately Madeline got sick and couldn't come :-( 

Marin got a training award and we published a paper

June 2022

Just having joined the lab, Marin already got awarded an appointment on the NIH Ruth L Kirschstein T32 Program in Biomedical Sciences (PBMS) training grant. Congratulations!!

We published a collaborative paper with Sunny Shins lab at UPenn about the inflammasomes important for Salmonella recognition in human intestinal epithelial cells. Great work from Renate Bauer during her productive visit to the lab! Prepare to be surprised!

A group conference visit, congratulations Alexis and good bye William

May 2022

With AAI 2022 happening in Portland, the whole lab got to go and learn about all the amazing immunology research. And we found the photo booth at the gala.....

Alexis graduate work got published, and she is looking forward to fully focus on her postdoctoral research!

William had his last day in the lab. He won't go far though as he's joining the OHSUs PBMS program- we are excited to see which lab he will join for his graduate work!

Welcome to the lab Marin!

March 2022

Marin rotated in the lab in March and we are thrilled that she decided to join us for her graduate studies! Marin comes to us from the University of Denver and will work on pathogenic interference with epithelial cell extrusion.

More rotations, William goes to graduate school!

February 2022

Welcome to Leah for her rotation, in which she will continue Allisons work on detection of Salmonella inside epithelial cells! Also, huge congratulations to William who has been accepted to graduate school!!!!

Alexis is here, Allison rotates, William published a paper and we got funding!

January 2022

Welcome to the lab to Alexis, the teams first postdoc, and Allison, our first rotation student for the year!

Huge congratulations to William who got his first co-author from the lab on a collaborative paper with the Shin lab!

The lab got its first NIH R01 funding to study the role of the inflammasome in tuft cells! Kudos to Madeline and Renate for generating the crucial preliminary data for this grant!

Fellowship for Alexis, pumpkins, and a new review

October 2021

Congratulations to our incoming postdoctoral fellow Alexis Gibson, who already scored a fellowship before she even started! Thank you to OFDIR for supporting her!

We hung out with the Pruneda lab to carve some pumpkins again this year. After last year's freezing outdoor carving event we all felt grateful for our booster shots that allowed us meeting indoors this year.

Our review about pyroptosis in epithelial barriers is out! We wrote it together with our friend Patrick from the Mitchell Lab. Come to learn all about this fascinating topic, stay for Madeline's great illustrations and our discussion on where the field is going!

Lab summer outing

August 2021

We couldn't have a retreat this year but we could have some distanced outdoor fun with the Pruneda lab. Everyone crushed it at mini golf and corn hole!

Collaboration published

July 2021

Madeline's first paper from the lab is out! She contributed important data showing that tuft cells can make the prostaglandin D2 to a study from the Tait Wojno lab.

Collaborative publication

October 2020

The Vance lab published a study showing that inflammasome triggered epithelial cell extrusion is protecting mice from Shigellosis, and we helped!

The Lab's first last author paper is out!

This study was in large parts still performed at UC Berkeley and we are very thankful to the Vance lab, and especially the fantastic first author Jeannette Tenthorey. We are addressing the role of NLRC4 phosphorylation in the function of the NAIP/NLRC4 inflammasome as well as the role of NLRC4 in melanoma. Very surprisingly, we do not find any of the previously described phenotypes in our separately generated mouse lines!

Renate's review on NAIP/NLRC4 is out

June 2020

During her super productive visit in our lab, Renate ALSO wrote a great review on the NAIP/NLRC4 inflammasome in infection and pathology. Check it out!


October 2019

The lab had its first ever pumpkin carving evening which we plan to make a tradition. Amazing creativity by both the Rauch and Pruneda lab members!